|BTS During Exam Week|

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Jin: "You guys better be studying for your exams."

Suga: "We know, we know."

Jin: "If you know, then why aren't you studying yet?"

Suga: "I, um, have other things to do."

Jin: "Like what?"

Suga: "Like staying away from, you nag too much."

*Suga leaves to his room*

Jin: *sigh*

Jin: "I tried... Maknae! You better be studying!"

Jungkook: "I am hyung, I'm studying about life right now."

Jin: "Wait. What? You should be studying for English. You got 4/100 last time!"

Jungkook: "But, life has English in it..."

Jin: "What can I do with you Jungkook? Namjoon! Get over here and help Jungkook study English."

*Rap Monster arrives*

Jin: "You're finished studying right?"

Rap Monster: "Of course I am. Why do you think my IQ is 148?"

Jin: "Right..."

*Jin goes to Jimin's room to find him asleep from studying*

Jin: "Good thing I know that he's getting enough rest."

J-Hope: *screams*

Jin: "What is it Hoseok!?"

J-Hope: "I'm going to fail! I studied, I studied everything! I still don't understand anything! I don't even remember anything!"

Jin: "Calm down. Go join Namjoon and Jungkook. They're studying English right now."

J-Hope: "Okay... I'm still going to fail though."

*Jin goes to check on V*

Jin: "Taehyung-ah, have you've been studying?"

V: "Studying for what?"

Jin: "Your exams."

V: "I have exams!?"

Jin: *facepalm*

Bangtan Boys COLLECTION - BOOK 2 | BTS Jokes, Scenarios, etc~| COMPLETED |Where stories live. Discover now