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Sunlight spilled through the window of a little house which sat in the heart of a ranch. This was the home of two new trainers and their father, along with hundreds of creatures called pocket monsters, also known as Pokémon. Today was a momentous day for the two new trainers. The day they received their trainer licenses and their starter Pokémon. Melody, the oldest of the two anxiously waited for her younger brother Alex to wake up until she could no longer take it. She began to try and wake him up herself. "C'mon Alex, get up! We have a long journey to Johto and the professor's lab!" Melody pleaded with her sleeping brother, shaking him like a ragdoll. "I had to wait 4 extra years to be able to start my journey! Now get up you lazy Snorlax before I get a water Pokémon in here to wet you 'til you wake up!" Melody screeched into Alex's ear. Melody was 4 years older than her brother, and at the age of 10 every child gets the opportunity to become a Pokémon trainer. However when Melody turned 10, her father had asked her to wait until her brother hit the age of 10 as well, so the two of them could begin their Pokémon adventure together. Alex finally began to stir and with a loud groan, he sat up.
"Alright, alright. Geez Mel you're such a pain sometimes!" He said letting out an enormous yawn.
"Sorry but I'm really excited to get my very own Pokémon!" Melody said clasping her hands together and imagining her new friend.
"Mel we live on a ranch filled with Pokémon, why is the Pokémon Professor Elm's gonna give us any different than the Pokémon who live here?" asked Alex. Melody gave a cold stare to Alex,
"How can you even ask that? The Pokémon who live here on the ranch don't belong to anyone. But the Pokémon that the Professor will give us will be our own to love and raise and help grow," she replied. Alex shrugged,
"Whatever you say," he said getting up and walking over to his closet. He grabbed out a plastic covered outfit his father had gotten him. Melody walked out of Alex's room and into hers, also grabbing a plastic covered outfit from her closet. She carefully took the plastic wrapping off the clothes and set them down on the bed, She then prepared to get dressed.

Running downstairs to the kitchen, Melody put the finishing touches of her outfit on. She carefully put a pair of sky blue gloves on each of her hands and slung a new violet colored bag around her shoulders. She rushed over to the kitchen table and quickly sat down. "Well good morning Melody," a familiar voice greeted the 14 year old girl. A tall man with dirty blonde hair walked into the kitchen.
"Good morning dad," said Melody, returning the greeting.
"Are you excited to start your journey?" her dad asked. Melody nodded her head violently to show how excited she was. Melody's dad let out a chuckle and placed a bowl of cereal in front of her.
"You better hurry up and eat. We have quite a little trip to Johto," he said, preparing a second bowl for her brother.
"Yes I know," said Melody scooping up a spoonful of her cereal and placing it in her mouth. After swallowing she asked, "Remind me, why are we starting our journey in Johto when we live here in Kanto?"
"Because you and your brother were both born in the Johto region. You start your journey in the region you were born in, then you progress to the others," replied her dad.
"Oh," said Melody recalling the days when they lived in their little house in Johto when their mother was still alive. Once Alex was born their family had packed up and moved into Kanto and onto the ranch. Alex soon joined the two blondes in the kitchen,
"Sorry I'm late. I had a little trouble finding the right belt to put on with the pants! They're just a little too big for me, heh," he said, sitting down in a chair at the table next to Melody. Their dad placed the second bowl in front of Alex, who began to dig into his cereal quickly. When the two had finished breakfast they put their bowls in the sink and headed towards the door. Melody opened the door and stepped outside looking around and taking in a deep breath of air. Alex soon followed her out and the two stood side by side, looking at the ranch one last time.
"Let's go you two we have a trip ahead of us," said their dad walking outside and standing in between them, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. The three than began to walk to a nearby town where they would catch a train to Johto.

"Goodbye dad!" said Melody as she and her brother began to exit the train. She hugged him one last time and stepped back from the train.
"Be careful on your journeys you two. Remember to call me and tell me about how everything's going. I'm so proud of you," said their dad as he went back inside. He suddenly reappeared at a nearby window. "Remember you two, the Professor's lab is in New Bark town. That's two towns over from here, so you have a little walk ahead of you. Stay out of the tall grass until you receive your Pokémon. It's not safe," he reminded them. The siblings nodded and began to walk away, waving one last time at their dad as they walked.

Arriving in New Bark town the two siblings let out a sigh of relief. "Finally we're here!" said Melody who had a huge smile on her face. The two walked into a large building with a green roof on it. Slowly the two walked up to a man with light brow hair, glasses, and a white lab coat who must have been the Professor.
"Hello there young people!" greeted the man. "I'm Professor Elm, and you two must be Melody and Alex. It's a pleasure to meet you." he continued. The two nodded. "Now you're here to receive your starter Pokémon right?" he asked.
"Yes sir," replied Alex.
"Ok then. Can I also ask you two a favor?" Professor Elm asked. Again the two nodded. "I want help with some research. I want to learn more about Pokémon evolution and the bonds that people and Pokémon can have with one another," he said.
"Sure we'll be glad to help you with your research Professor," said Melody with a smile.
"Thank you! Now to give your Pokémon. Melody since you are the oldest, you get to pick your starter first," said the Professor walking up to a containment unit at his side. In the containment unit sat three pokéballs. One with a leaf on it, another with a water drop on it, and the last with a flame on it. The symbols represented three Pokémon types, grass, water, and fire. Melody had thought long and hard about what Pokémon she wanted ever since she turned 10, so she knew just the one to pick. As she reached out to pick up her chosen starter the Professor let out a gasp, "Sweet heavens I have email!" he shouted going over to his computer. He was silent for a minute as he read the message and soon he turned towards Melody. "Melody I have this acquaintance whom everyone calls Mr. Pokémon. He found a rare item. It's most likely a Pokémon egg. But all my researchers are too busy to get it... could you maybe go in our place to his house and get the item for me?" begged the professor.
"Uh, sure I guess," answered Melody.
"Great! Thank you so much. Oh you better pick your starter," said the professor watching her curiously to see what Pokémon she would pick.

Melody rolled her eyes and once again began to reach for her chosen starter. Carefully she picked up the ball with the flame symbol on it. "This one," she announced, holding the ball in her hand. The professor nodded and looked at Alex, signaling his turn to choose. Alex walked up to the two remaining balls and studied them carefully. Soon he picked up the ball with the water drop symbol on it.
"I guess I'll take this one," he said.
"Ok then, let out your Pokémon!" said the professor. The two trainers did as they were told and threw their pokéballs up into the air. Out of Alex's pokéball popped a blue alligator looking Pokémon that sparkled as it came out of its ball. And out of Melody's popped a blue and tan mole looking Pokémon with flames coming out of its back.
"Wow Alex your Pokémon's a shiny! That's awesome," said Melody looking at her brother's Pokémon.
"So you two, how does it feel to have your very own Pokémon?" asked the professor.
"It's great!" replied Melody smiling down at her Pokémon.
"Melody the Pokémon you have chosen is called Cyndaquil. And Alex, the Pokémon you've chosen is called Totodile. Would you like to nickname them?" said Professor Elm. The two trainers nodded.
"I'm calling my Totodile Trevor," announced Alex picking up his new partner who let out a cry of agreement. Melody carefully studied her partner. "Professor Elm, what gender is my Cyndaquil?" she asked.
"Your Cyndaquil's a female Melody," he replied. Melody's grin grew even wider at hearing her partner was a girl. "Then I know the perfect name for her. Ember!" Melody announced picking her Cyndaquil up. "How does that sound to you?" she asked her.
"Quil quil! (I love it!)" said Ember nuzzling her new trainer.
"Great then Ember it is!" squealed Melody spinning around holding out her new friend. "Together we're going to be the very best. And we'll always be friends, I promise!"

"Goodbye Professor, I'll be back soon!" Melody shouted as she began to walk away from the lab, waving. She put Ember on her shoulders and began on her journey to help the professor.

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