Chapter 9: You Gotta Beat The Gym First

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"Where the hell do you think you're going?" shouted the lady sitting at the desk inside of the tunnel leading to the Illex forest. "We're going through the Illex forest what does it look like?" replied Gold in a pissed off tone. "You can not go through the forest unless you have the Azalea town's gym badge!" screeched the lady. "Ugh. I didn't know we had to beat the gym first to go into the forest. I was just going to go there to train before we challenged it," groaned Melody, folding her arms across her chest and pouting. "Suuure you were. That's what all trainers say. Then they go into the forest and end up getting themselves hurt because they weren't strong enough to fight the Pokémon who live there. Now get out and don't come back until you have the bug badge!" continued the lady who had now gotten up from her desk and was shoving the kids out of the tunnel.

The two trainers were now back in the Pokémon center to eat and rest a bit before the gym battle. Both trainers had let out their Pokémon to eat and rest with them as well and all were getting along just fine. "Ugh, I can't believe this," growled Gold stabbing some sort of meat he was eating with his fork. "Calm down. I'm sure it won't be too hard to beat! Although, the fact that it's a bug type gym doesn't excite me too much. I'm not the biggest fan of bug types," replied Melody taking a sip of some lemonade she bought. Buttercup looked up from his food bowl and stared at Melody "Cater! (Hey!)" he cried out angrily, glaring at his trainer. "Not you Buttercup. I can stand certain types of bug type Pokémon. You're definitely one of them!" replied Melody quickly, picking up her Caterpie and hugging him. Buttercup struggled in her grip "Cater! Caterpiie. Piie (Alright! Alright, I get it. You love me)" said Buttercup as he finally managed to escape the female trainer's strong grip. Melody chuckled as she watched Buttercup scurry back over to his food bowl, Okojo, Amy and Ember giggling at him.

Melody began to walk nervously up to the platform where Bugsy, the Azalea town gym leader stood waiting. She had made her way through the maze of the gym at long last. She had to ride moving spider shaped platforms and navigate what levers to move to change the web course the spider platform would take. In the end, she had battle 5 trainers (6 if you count the second twin) and had to go back to the Pokémon center to heal before having to navigate the platforms all over again. But finally there she stood, face to face with the next gym leader. Bugsy was a very different looking person. He had light purple hair that rested right above his shoulders, and a very feminine face. From afar, he looked like a woman. Maybe he's transgender thought Melody. He wore a bug catcher's uniform (and may I add the shorts were way to small) and he had a butterfly net resting on his shoulder. "Bugsy, I am trainer Melody and I've come here to challenge you!" proclaimed Melody bravely. " Well in that case let me inform you of something," replied Bugsy swinging the butterfly net he had resting over his shoulder down on the ground. "I never lose when it comes to Bug-type Pokémon. My research is going to make me an authority on Bug-type Pokémon! Let me demonstrate what I've learned from my studies," "Sounds good to me," and with that, Melody reached around and grabbed her bag. From one of the slots inside on the side of her bag, she grabbed a Pokéball. "Alright Amy, time to shock 'em with your strength!" yelled Melody throwing the Pokéball onto the battlefield, releasing her Mareep, Amy. "Eeeeep!" she cried as she prepared for battle. Bugsy threw out a Pokéball as well which contained a Metapod. "Oh sweet Acrecus no...." whined Melody shulping over. "Metapod, use Harden!" commanded. "Uuugh. Amy, quick use thundershock" commaned Melody in an annoyed tone. Amy nodded her flece head and did as told. Small sparks flew from the Mareep's coat and towards the Metapod, sending shock-waves through the cocoon Pokémon's body. The Metapod let out a sort of shriek as it passed out. "Alright!" cheered Melody. "Metapod return," called Bugsy, making his fainted Pokémon retreat into it's ball. Bugsy grabbed another ball from his arsenal and threw it onto the battle field. From within, a Kakuna came out. "Oh great, a Pokémon harder to defeat than a Metapod," whined Melody. "Amy use-" "USE POISON STING!" interrupted Bugsy. A small, bug sounding cackle rose from the Kakuna as a purple needle like substance was shot out from it's mouth and hit Amy. Amy let out a small shriek as she toppled over, not unconscious, but badly poisoned. "Oh no!" cried Melody. "Amy, returned!" she called, retreating Amy back into her Pokéball. "Wolfen, do you think you can handle this?"

"Poochyen! (Of course!)" responded Wolfen, padding over to stand in front of his trainer. "Good boy. Alright then, Wolfen use bite then counter the Kakuna's attack with tackle!" Melody commanded. And Wolfen did just that. He charged for the Kakuna biting it on a sensitive spot then carefully evaded a poison sting attack, finally countering with a tackle. Wolfen rushed back over to stand in front of Melody, leaving trainer and Pokémon to stare at the opponents. The Kakuna had seemed to be unphased but with a quick glance at the scoreboard it showed no HP remained in the little bug pokemn. It only took another moment for the Kaluna to fall over, fainted. "Woohoo great job Wolfen!" Melody cried happily. "You think you're wining? Well you are forgetting I never lose when it comes to bug-types. And I'm going to demonstrate that right now!" boasted Bugsy while returning his Pokémon. After placing the ball back on his belt, Bugsy grabbed his last pokéball throwing it out and releasing his final Pokémon. "Whoa! Talk about a blast from Kanto. It's a scyther!" gasped Melody. A look of uncertainty crossed her face but knowing the battle must commence, she gave her next command, "Alright Wolfen. Go for a bite but be careful to avoid its arms!" Wolfen growled in understanding, heading off to attempt the attack. "Scyther, use U-Turn!" shouted Bugsy. The scyther nodded, charging toward Wolfen. Both Pokémon made impact with their attacks. On the battle screen the words "critical hit!" were above the scyther's image indicating the bite Wolfen's delived hit extra hard. Each pokemon backed away from each other and stared motionless until a split second later they both fell unconscious. Over Melody's name on the battle screen flashed "winner" showing she still had surviving Pokémon unlike her opponent. "I can't believe we won! I mean Wolfen got knocked out but we won anyways!" Melody screeched happily. Bugsy returned his scyther as Melody went to pick up Wolfen.

"Whoa, amazing! You're an expert on Pokémon! My research isn't complete yet it seems. Oh well. OK, you win. Take this Badge." Bugsy said with a sigh. He walked up to Melody, handing her the bug badge. "Pokémon up to level 30 will follow your orders now. Also take this TM for U-Turn as a thank you for a battle well fought. You will be able to go through Ilex forest safely. Now go young trainer!" added bugsy. Melody nodded in appreciation.

     "Ha ha check it out, I've got the badge now bitch. So don't even think about saying shit" Melody exclaimed to the lady at the desk of the tunnel. She had gone to the Pokémon center before her and Gold had headed in there. Without another word, the two young trainers made their way out of the small tunnel and into the awaiting forest, their destination: Goldenrod City.


a/n: and here it finally is, the update. sorry it took forever. but the next part will be out quicker

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