Chapter 8: The Battle For the Slowpokes pt. 2

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    Slowly Melody walked towards the light, mixed emotions rustling around inside her. Anger, fear, concern, pity for the Pokémon, and hatred. She wanted to face the monsters who would intentionally cause harm to innocent creatures. She wanted to end them. Or at least kick their asses hard enough to relay a message not to continue. Emerging into the light of the second part of the well, Melody was greeted by at least a dozen team rocket members with all eyes on her. Any talk that was once going on had been silenced as they stared at the trainer girl. Gold came up behind Melody a bit wary.
"Um Mel... I think we should leave. there's too many of them for us to fight" whispered Gold.
"No, we can take them," replied Melody, determination plastered on her face. A small cackled could be heard rising from the back of the well. Out of the crowd of the dozen team rocket members came a different looking person. He had turquoise hair and wore a red 'R' on his uniform just like the grunts, but his outfit was different. More important looking. Melody concluded in her mind that this must be the leader. Or at least one of them.
"What do you want?" the man asked stopping in front of Melody. Ember growled as she stared at the team rocket member from behind Melody's legs as did Wolfen. Melody glanced down at her Pokémon and then looked back up at the man.
"I want to know who you are and why the hell you would cut off Pokémon's tails! Don't you know you're hurting them?" she stated.  
"Who am I? I am Team Rocket Executive Proton. And I don't really care weather or not those Slowpokes are hurting. Their tails are very delicious and sell for a fortune. Team Rocket is only concerned about making money. Pokémon are only an aspect that we exploit. We use their powers because they help us work. Just like tools. That's ll they are after all. So who gives a damn if they're in pain?"
"I give a damn!" cussed Melody getting in the Executive's face.
"If you try and interrupt our work, don't expect any mercy! You hear me girl?" growled Proton as he reached onto his belt and grabed a Pokéball, throwing it onto the ground and releasing a Zubat from inside. 
"Oh I hear you!"

    "Wolfen attack!" said Melody. Wolfen jumped out from behind his trainer and began to growl at the enemy Zubat. "Wolfen use... uuh... use bite!" shouted Melody. Wolfen nodded and quickly jumped up to bite the Zubat and hit with deadly accuracy, critically injuring the enemy Pokémon. "Alright Wolfen!" cheered Melody.
"Pfh. Zubat, use supersonic." said Proton with a roll of his eyes. Zubat did it's best to recover as it let out a sort of sonic wave directed at Wolfen. Wolfen's eyes suddenly turned completely red and his expression turned stressed and confused. He began fumbling around, whimpering and growling and he wobbled about.
"What the fuck?! What is this?" asked Melody looking at Wolfen worried.
"Don't you know? Supersonic causes confusion," replied Proton in a snarky tone. Melody gasped and quickly picked up Wolfen who began struggling in her grip.
"Shhh. It's ok, you'll be fine. Nothing wrong. Please snap out of it. Err. Ember, you think you can take over?" said Melody. Ember nodded her head and leaped into battle. Without even having to be told she used Ember and scorched the Zubat. The Zubat fell to the ground with a thud and it was knocked unconscious. Executive Proton growled as he once again reached onto his belt and threw out another Pokéball, which contained a Koffing this time. "Koffing use smog!" commanded Protron sternly. The Koffing nodded and it begin to open it's mouth.
"Ember, quick, tackle it!" said Melody, pointing her finger at the Weezing dramatically. Ember jumped up and crashed herself into the Koffing knocking it out of the air, and down for the count.
"Alright we did it!" chirped Melody. Ember smiled and jumped back onto Melody's shoulder and nuzzled her face to her trainer's in triumph. Proton scoffed andreturned his Koffing to it's Pokéball 
"You did OK today, but wait till next time!" he said. "Now tell me... how the hell does Team Rocket still even exist? I thought they broke up!" asked Melody. 
"Yeah, Team Rocket was broken up three years ago. But we continued our activities underground. Now you can have fun watching us stir up trouble!" growled Proton and with a snap of his fingers the othr emebers of team rocket released their Pokémon. all Koffing whiched used smog filling the room with a dar purpleish-black cloud of smoke. Gold and Melody began to cough as they heard footsteps running past them. When the smoke cleared all the Team Rocket members were gone.

     "Than y'all so much for helpin' me. Oh and them there Slowpokes of course!" said the old man, patting Melody and Gold's backs. They were back on the surface. Melody had just gotten out of the Pokémon Center where she had gotten her Pokémon healed up.
"Oh you're welcome sir!" said Gold rubbing the back of his head. Yeah, he didn't play much part in helping, so of course he was embarrased to be praised. "I fear this may not be the last time we hear from Team Rocket" stated Melody looking down at her feet with her bangs covering her eyes, a look of concern written all over her face.
"What do you mean?" asked Gold.
"I mean you heard what that Proton guys said. 'Now you can have fun watching us stir up trouble' that's got to mean they have bigger, more dangerous plans," replied Melody who was now looking up at Gold, the concern of her face mixed with worry and fear.
"That may be so. But we can take 'em!" replied Gold.
"Not without more Pokémon you can't. By the way. The name's Kurt. I'm the creator of the Pokéball. I'd be more than happy to make you any Pokéball you'd like. So long as you give me an apricorn and stay the fuck off my back so I can work," said the old man.
"That's very kind of you. Thank you Kurt," responded Melody with a dip of her head.

    "Now y'all be careful now. The Illex forest can be a pretty dangerous place y' know." said Kurt.
"Don't worry we'll be fine. Thanks again," replied Melody with s simle smile. Wolfen let out a yip and Melody picked him up. "What's up bud? Want me to carry you?" she asked.
"Yena (please)" respondd Wolen. Melody nodded and held Wolfen in her arms, Ember sitting happily on her shoulder and smiling at Wolfen. Gold waved to Kurt with both hands, one for himself the other for Melody (since her hands were full of Pokémon) as they walked off and disappeared into the Illex forest. 

a/n: I forgot to mention Wolfen walks around outside with Melody just like Ember because he doesn't have a Pokéball . sorry if it confused anyone :P

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