Chapter 2: Trouble At The Lab

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            Rushing back as fast as her legs could carry, fighting off wild Pokémon with Ember, Melody ran back the way she came. When she arrived back at Cherrygrove City, she charged into the Pokémon center to heal up Ember. When they came out they headed for the exit of the town. Suddenly they were stopped by a voice. "Hey you!" A girl with brownish hair appeared before them. She was about Melody's age, and was wearing a dress. It almost looked like she was coming or going to a party. "Heh you look like a weak trainer. And with this cute little Pokémon I stole it should be easy to defeat you. BATTLE ME!" demanded the girl. Before Melody could reply, the girl dug through the purse she had and pulled out a pokéball and quickly chucked it into the air. Out popped a green little dinosaur looking creature with big, cute brown eyes which cried out,
"Chikorita!"  which must have been its species name. Melody quickly reached into her pocket and grabbed out the Pokédex Professor Oak had given her. Se pointed it at the pokemon and the Pokédex said in a sort of male sounding robotic voice,
"Chikorita, the Leaf Pokémon. Chikorita emits pleasant aromas from the leaves on their heads and they love to sunbathe."
"Okay Ember, get ready 'cause this is our first trainer fight! Let's go!" shouted Melody putting her Pokédex back into her pocket. Ember instinctively leaped onto the ground in front of her trainer and let a battle cry,
"Alright Ember use well... EMBER!" Melody said holding in a chuckle. Ember nodded her head and flipped around, letting the flame side of her back expose itself to the Chikorita. Suddenly the flames on her back went wild and sort of leaped onto the Chikorita, burning and critically damaging it. The Chikorita tired to recover but was no use, it fell over and fainted.
"All right Ember way to go!" Melody cheered.
"Hmph. Just because you won this one little battle doesn't mean your tough, little girl. You're still a weak trainer, you just got lucky. It was a fluke. Next time I'll make sure that I win! Because I am best pokémon trainer ever," huffed the girl, returning her Chikorita into its pokéball and shoving it inside her purse. "NOW GET OUT OF MY WAY!" shouted the girl, shoving Melody out of her path and leaving something behind. Melody picked it up, and saw it was her trainer card. And on it had the girl's name. "HEY GIVE THAT BACK!" screeched the girl stomping back to Melody and snatching the card from her hand. She then stormed off out of sight.
"HEY GET BACK HERE!" Shouted a familiar voice. It was none other than Melody's brother Alex. 
"Alex," said Melody waving to her younger sibling.
"Where'd that girl go?" asked Alex.
"Dunno, she stormed off. She got pissed off because I beat her in a battle that she challenged us to," replied Melody.
"Oh.... Well I kinda wanted to talk to her..." said Alex blushing a bit.
"Hold on... you like that witch?" Melody asked gasping.
"Well yeah I guess. She's pretty..." replied Alex trying to hide his blush under his long dirty blonde hair.
"Alex... You're hopeless," retorted Melody shaking her head slowly. "C'mon Alex. We gotta go back to the lab, the Professor said that there was trouble and he needs us back there ASAP," reminded Melody to Alex, changing the subject. "Oh yeah!" shouted Alex clenching his fists. After picking up Ember, the two siblings ran off and back to Professor Elm's lab.

         "Professor Elm! We came as soon as you called, what happened?" Melody said as the two siblings walked into the lab.  Standing with Professor Elm, was a police officer better known as Officer Jenny. 
"Who are you? Tell me your names!" she demanded.
"Uuuh... I'm Melody and this is my little brother Alex," replied Melody. Officer Jenny began to closely examine the children, especially eyeing Alex. Every now and then she let out a "Hmm," as to say she was suspicious of them. Finally she came to a conclusion.
"You there!" she shouted, "You must be the one who did it, I bet your the thief, first rule of the law, "Who ever did it will return to the scene of the crime!"' accused the officer, pointing to Alex.
"WHAT?" he gasped. "That's crazy! Why would I want to steal a Pokémon?!" "Well then, if your not guilty, let me see your belt," said Officer Jenny with a knowledgeable smile. Alex let out a sigh and lifted the part of his shirt that covered his belt, to revel that he had a pokéball on it.  "Ah ha!" alleged Officer Jenny quickly snatching up the pokéball. "This is a pokéball... and it's containing a Pokémon!" No shit Sherlock! That's what they're for!  Every trainer has at least, one. thought Melody crossing her arms. Jenny threw the pokéball into the air and let out Alex's Totodile, Trevor, who quickly ran over to his trainer. "And the Pokémon is a starter no less, and a shiny one too!" said the Officer sternly. "That's it you're coming with me." Officer Jenny grabbed Alex's hands and forced them behind his back, putting his wrists in handcuffs  Melody had tried to contain herself, but could stand it no more.
"THAT'S IT!" she shouted. "Look, Officer Jenny. My brother is no thief, he's never stolen a thing in his life, and he never would, especially a Pokémon. For arceus' sake we live on a ranch filled with valuable Pokémon  and he never tried to do away with any of them, not even once!. He's innocent. I was here with Alex when he got that Totodile, I watched it come out of its pokéball. Ask the Professor, he'll tell you he gave Trevor to Alex!" yelled Melody. Officer Jenny turned to Professor Elm and raised an eyebrow.
"It's true," confirmed Professor Elm.  Officer Jenny let out a sigh and uncuffed Alex. Alex rubbed his wrists and then picked up Trevor, holding him in his arms. 
"I think I know who did it though," said Melody calming down, now that her brother was off the hook.
"Who then?" Officer Jenny asked.
"There was a girl with light brow hair who I ran into on the way here. She started to rant a monologue and in it, she said something about a Pokémon she had stolen, and then she chucked out a Chikorita." "Hmm.... Thanks for the help. I'll be sure to keep a lookout for a girl who fits the description. Have a good day and don't get into trouble or I'll find you and hunt you down like a rabid Pokémon ," retorted Officer Jenny. She gave a nice smile and calmly walked out of the lab.

    "Yeah that's right you better go look for her... wench... " hissed Melody as the officer left. "So Professor are you alright? Are you hurt or anything?" 
"Oh this is just awful...." stated Professor Elm, who had not seem to had heard Melody's worry.
"This is... just awful... SO! Where's the item you were sent to fetch for me? " retorted the Professor perking up from his sulking almost immediately. "Uuuh.... Professor... aren't you even the least bit upset that your lab was broken into? I mean don't you think that something else other that just that one Pokémon was stolen or something? Maybe secret stuff or..." Melody asked. "NOPE! Now item, hand now please!" said Professor Elm smiling at Melody and sticking out his hands.  Melody rolled her eyes and let out a sigh as she began to dig through her bag. Gently she pulled out the item the Professor wanted; the egg that Mr. Pokémon had given her to give to the Professor. She handed over the egg with a sad feeling in her gut. She knew one day that egg would be a Pokémon and she had hoped it would have been hers. But it wasn't. When the egg was safely in the professor's hands, Professor Elm let out a gasp. "This is.. a Pokémon egg! It doesn't seem to be from around here though... Hm.. I'll keep it and do horrible, dangerous and painful tests on it to find out what it will hatch into!" proclaimed the Professor placing it into a containment unit. "Now about you, how did your little trip go?" he said turning to face Melody.
"It was ok... I almost go molested but... a guy called Professor Oak gave me this," she replied pulling the Pokédex out of her pocket.
"OO! You got a Pokédex, that's incredible that the wise Professor Oak gave you one!" said Professor Elm.
"Uh, didn't you hear me? I almost got molested while running an errand for you!!" Melody shouted.
"Don't care! Now... you two better be off on your Pokémon journeys now to fight gym leaders and earn badges and challenge the elite four and-"
"WE GET IT! WE'RE GOING!" both siblings shouted, interrupting the Professor. "Ok then gees.. now... GET THE FUCK OUT" Professor Elm said pointing to the door. The two siblings nodded and walked out the door.

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