Chapter 2- Reader POV

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          My phone sat on my bedside table, buzzing, going crazy, I had been getting mass amounts of tweets directed at my Twitter, confusion washed over me, it was four in the morning what could people possibly be getting riled up with at this hour?
          Pulling the device from my side, I opened the app scrolling through the large crowd of people defending me, when suddenly the source of all this madness came clear into view, a fellow musician/YouTuber by the name of Joji Miller, also known as Filthy Frank had posted an alarming amount of hate tweets towards me, enough to convince me that he wasn't joking.
          Giggling at the anger that I caused to fill this man, I sent out a tweet directed towards him.

"@Sushitrash 😉💕"

          This of course caused the crowd of shippers to go wild, others commented things about this being one sided love. In reality, I hadn't had a problem with the goofy man, and I thought both his music and videos were entertaining and under rated, but did I want a relationship with him? Hell no. Smokers aren't my thing. I could just put on this act to annoy him more and to tease our fans.
           I dropped my phone back in its original place, after setting it to do not disturb, deciding that it'd be better to deal with the shit storm in the morning. Well... The morning morning... Not this 4 am bullshit.

Beautiful hate (Joji x Reader Insert) Where stories live. Discover now