Chapter 9- Joji POV

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            How in the flying hell was I going to fix this? The girl did nothing wrong and I'm harassing her for no good reason.
            I just need to think. I already made the "challenge" now how was I gonna carry it out without making it look like I'm chickening out? Do I pull a filthy Frank and do something utterly ridiculous to make the whole thing seem like a joke? Perhaps... But... I already posted all the hate tweets, so everyone knows I legitimately dislike her, (not including the many shippers who think this is a cover). I wouldn't want to embarrass her, because she's barely provoked me... I guess I just got caught up in the moment. Now I have to solve this. What could I do? Maybe I should try and contact her... And let her know...
          Swiftly I grabbed my phone and opened a new message to one of my close friends, Ian, he occasionally did videos with her and I'm sure he would have her number. I started off the message asking for a favor, then revealing what said favor was. He replied faster than expected, with both her number and a winky face emoji. I let out a massive eye roll at the emoticon.  I sent a quick thanks and immediately afterwards texted the number he provided to me.

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