Chapter 12- Joji POV

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Did I hate her? Well... Hates a harsh word, sure she's annoying as fuck and I'd be better off not having a clue who she was, but I didn't hate her. I strongly disliked her. Which isn't much better but it's better than nothing.
How do you tell a person you wish they dropped off the face of the planet? That's right! You don't. You avoid the question. But when the air is so thick between you two, there's no room to bring up another subject in hopes that the other will forget all about it. And besides who would want to talk to that thing? So, if you're me, you don't reply. What is she going to do now that I decided not to? This is a consequence free option.
However, as much as my solution didn't bother me, it was the answer I would've given that did. Did I mean it? Such a simple and easy question, so simple and easy. Simple... And easy... It was so simple that it kept me up all night, which I had only realized once the mornings sun light broke through the open window. Simple and easy. Did I mean it? Simple and easy. Something I would never want to answer. So I guess you could say it's complicated.

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