Chapter 8

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-(Y/N)'S POV-

It didn't feel like it was morning. Until I realized it by checking my phone. It was already 7 am. I really couldn't sleep the night before. Well, I had tried to, but my eyes just couldn't listen to me. Every time I told myself to sleep, the horrible memories of last night's experience always came into my mind.

But anyway, I was still in my bed, doing nothing but still thinking about Karry. Oh well, there was no need to think about him anymore. It was useless to think about somebody who had hurt you, right?

After a long talk with myself, I finally got up and took a shower. After that, I had breakfast. Then, I entered to my room. That Sunday was the most boring Sunday of my life because all I did was literally nothing. I spent my Sunday at my own room, except when it was time to have lunch.

At night, I had dinner, alone. My parents hadn't arrived yet 'cause they still had works to do.

After eating, I washed the dishes. Then I went back to my room and planned to sleep earlier because the next day I had to go to school.

I turned off my room's light and tried to sleep. Like the night before, I couldn't sleep. My mind was disturbed by Karry. I was trying to forget all stuffs about him just then and I did!



I woke up with questions that morning. I was trying to remember how I got into my room the night before. The last thing I could remember was just going to Axel's party with my best friends. Then I tried to remember the rest, but I just couldn't.

So anyway, I looked at my room's clock and it was 8 am. I took a shower and ate my breakfast served by my parents.

While I was eating, someone knocked at the door.

*knock knock*

I opened the door and was a bit surprised. Because all I could see was Jackson and Roy. It was about 9 am, I guess?

"Hey, how are u feeling, bud?" asked Jackson.
"Um... yeah. Why? Um, I mean... what are you guys doing?" I asked. "Come on. Let's get in."

I guided them to my room. I asked them what they were doing there. They told me what had happened the night before. They told me that (y/n) was very mad at us because we did what she told us not to do, which was drinking the alcohol.

"Especially, you," said Roy to me.
"Me? But why?"
"When we were drunk last night, we were playing 'truth or dare' with Axel. You were asked to kiss one of the girls in there. And you know what, you chose (y/n)," explained Jackson.

I was very shocked when I heard what I did to (y/n) from them. I had made the most terrible mistake! I felt extremely guilty to her.

"After that," continued Roy, "the one who took you home and guided you to your room was (y/n), too."

I really wanted to went to her house and said sorry to her. But Jackson and Roy told me not to. They said she might need time to take a rest because they knew well that she was tired about last night's problem.

By the way, they stayed at my house until 6 pm. They accompanied me there because I was home alone.

Anyway, while I was having dinner, flashbacks popped in my head. If my parents weren't home, I would ask (y/n) to play at my house back in the old days. But now, I had hurt her feelings, feelings of the girl who I really loved since I was a child. I had made her angry and mad with me. I had made her disappointed of me.

After eating, I entered my room immediately. I was still thinking about (y/n). I was still disappointed of myself. Why didn't I listen to her?

Anyway, I was sleepy right then. So, I went to sleep. Although it was Sunday, it was such a tiring day. I was tired of thinking about everything. Besides, the next day was Monday. Well, I was hoping that I would meet her and explain everything I knew to her. Hope she could understand.

to be continued...

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