Chapter 14

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-(Y/N)'S POV-

After a week practicing and preparing everything, the school event had finally been held. Oh! I forgot to mention the name of the girl who I had just met during the practice at the main hall (if u forget it, go back to the chapter before this). Her name is Jane. And she's a new student from the seventh grade.

Ok the point is, where there was me, there would always be Jane. Plus TFBOYS, too. Jane and I became closer, closer, and closer by the time.

The event was begun at 7 am and ended at 12 am. There were also many performances and all the students / everyone who watched it really enjoyed it. Especially when TFBOYS walked to the stage, all the girls started screaming and shouting noisily! Well, I did hahaha.


After the event was over, Karry asked me if I wanted to go to a mall or somewhere else. I said yes, of course. Jane, who was there beside me, asked him if she could go too. Eventually, Jane joined us going to the mall nearby. It was just the three of us at the mall because Jackson and Roy couldn't come.



When they were eating at one of the restaurant there, (y/n) really wanted to go the toilet right then and couldn't help it anymore, so she went to the toilet. Meanwhile there were only Jane and Karry.

When (y/n) was going to the toilet. Jane got up from her seat and sat beside Karry. He was quiet startled to see that.

"Wh-what are you doing?" asked Karry. "Why do you come closer?"
"Well, lemme tell you something," said Jane cynically as she whispered him something. "Listen, I made friends with your little best friend, I mean (y/n), just because I wanted to be closer to you Karry. Let's see, you'll surely be mine soon."

Suddenly Jane's voice became totally cruel and it made Karry a bit surprised. He couldn't believe that those words came from a nice person's mouth. He didn't accept the fact that (y/n)'s was actually being used by Jane. But he just didn't care about what she had just said and tried to look away from her.

-(Y/N)'S POV-

Right after I returned from the toilet, I saw Jane and Karry were talking about something. Looked like Jane was at the seat beside Karry. I was so happy that they finally got to know each other well.

Then I came to them and Jane got back to her seat immediately. She smiled to me and I smiled back to her.

Anyway, after eating, we all got back to our own home. Karry dropped Jane first and then it was my turn.

When I was about to get out of his car, he held my arm and said something kinda weird. He warned me to be more careful with myself. Of course it made a lot of questions popped in my head. But I just nodded and said okay.

He said goodbye, hugged me, and kissed me on the forehead. I blushed. And then he waved his hand at the camera. Hahaha no, I mean, at me.


-(Y/N)'S POV-

It was like about 8 pm. Jane called me and asked me about my activities. In short, we talked about many things until 9 pm.

After we finished, Karry called me a few minutes later.

"Hey, (y/n)."
"Hey, Kar."
"What are you doing now?"
"I've just finished calling with Jane."

But something weird happened, Karry didn't say anything and it became really silent.



I couldn't believe what my ears had heard. Jane? Ah, gosh, why is she still trying to be super nice to (y/n)? Suddenly the flashback at the restaurant that afternoon came into my mind.

I started thinking, what should I do? Should I just tell her the truth so that she won't be surprised if she find out that Jane is such a fake friend? But if so, she'll get really upset because of losing her friendship with Jane ('cause i know she doesn't make friend with anybody except we, TFBOYS).

(y/n) was so so so happy these days. I don't wanna make her sad because of losing one of her new friend. But if I don't stop this, it would make things worse!

"KARRY?!" suddenly she screamed on the phone.
"Oh? Yeah?"
"Why don't you answer anything?"
"Um sorry. I'm just... overthinking."
"Ok then. I think it's time for you to go to bed. You must be really tired, musn't you?"
"Yeah, sort of. Bye then."
"Bye, Kar."


I ended the call at 10 pm. After that, I did a facetime with Jackson and Roy. Yeay!

I told them all the dramas that happened when during lunch at the restaurant. They were super shocked to hear that.

"I think we all have to always protect (y/n) so that she won't get hurt because of Jane."
"Yeah, I think you should try not to really close to (y/n) when Jane is around," Jackson suggested.
"Um. I think it's a bad idea," I replied.
"Ah. Come on," Roy persuaded me.
"Um okay. I'll try."

I suddenly agreed with that idea. I thought it was the best way to make Jane stay away from (y/n). If I do that, (y/n) will no longer close with me, so what would Jane even want to get closer to (y/n) just to be closer to me? If she wants to, she can just get closer to me, not (y/n).

Anyway, I ended the facetime and went to sleep.

to be continued...

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