Chapter 8- The second flash back...

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Four years ago...

I flung my arms around him, almost making us both fall to the ground. He laughed at me, picking me up a little and whirling me around in the air, me squealing as he did so.

"Put me down! You'll hurt your back!" I protested. I heard him sigh as he placed me back onto the ground, rolling his eyes.

"Whatever, how the heck would I do that?" He asked.

I hesitated. "I'm-"

"Don't say it," He warned. "Because I swear to God, you're not. I mean, look at me!"

I rolled my eyes. "You're not fat, Gee." I mumbled. I quickly decided to change subject, wanting to avoid another lecture from my best friend. "Anyways, who's the card for?" I gestured towards the letterbox red coloured envelope. He shrugged.

"Oh, I dunno...I heard that it was somebody's birthday, but I can't remember who's..." He sighed. I rolled my eyes at him, giggling as he continued. "Maybe your mom? Or...Mikey? Gah, who was it, hey? Who's birthday is it today?" He droned on. I groaned and lightly punched his arm as he laughed at my impatience.

"Happy Birthday, Hells," He smiled, handing me the card. I smiled at him and ripped it open, to see a grey coloured card with the Batman logo across the front, with 'happy birthday' at the bottom of it. I smiled slightly, opening the card and almost dropping it's contents. I eagerly read the message:

To my best friend in the entire world...

Happy Birthday!

I can't believe you're fourteen! xD I hope you have an awesome day, and I hope you enjoy the concert!

-Gee xoxo

Woah, concert tickets? I froze, and looked at the two pieces of card that had almost fallen out.

"Oh my God! to Paramore?!" I cried. He grinned at me.

"Uh-huh, and an extra if you wanted to take somebody," He smiled. I beamed at him.

"You, of course! Oh my God...thank you so, so, so, so much!" I squealed, throwing my arms around him again. He laughed, patting my back as he hugged me too. I pulled away. 

"C'mon, Birthday Girl, we'll be late for school!" He grinned, taking my hand and pulling me along beside him. We walked the rest of the way, hand in hand.

"Uh, Gee," I began. "You know how you and the guys are all coming over tonight?"

He grinned. "Yeah, why?"

"Well, so's Andrea and-" He cut me off with a sigh. I frowned. "What?"

"Nothing, it's you have to invite them? I know you're now friends with them, and I guess I'm okay with that, but you haven't been for long? Don't you worry that they're just using you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Gee, they're my friends!" I paused. "And of course they're not using me, Andrea told me herself she couldn't wait to come to my party!" He sighed.

"Okay..." He mumbled as we drew in front of the school. We headed inside, straight towards our lockers, which were conveniently right beside each other. I slipped my hand away from his as I opened my locker, taking some of the books that I'd left inside of there.

"Hi," I heard a high, girly voice behind me. I turned and saw Andrea with the rest of the girls, and I smiled.

"Hey!" I grinned. She smiled slightly at me, but not fully. "Are you guys still coming tonight?"

She stared at me blankly. "Tonight?" She frowned. I heard Gerard scoff beside me, but I just ignored him and gave a small, nervous laugh.

"My party? It's my birthday, remember?"

She nodded. "Oooh...that. Yeah, uh, we might not be able to come." She sighed. I bit my lip, confused. Why couldn't they come? I'd mentioned it to them, I'd even given them invites...

"W, Why not?"

She shrugged. "Dean Richards wants me to come to his house tonight," She smirked.


"Jesus, Helena. I haven't got time for some petty, girly little party. I've got a man to please." She cut me off. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Gerard's fists were clenched, but of course, he didn't do anything. Gerard wouldn't hit a girl.

"Oh...okay." I mumbled. "I understand. Can the rest of you make it?" I asked the girls who stood behind Andrea, looking bored.

"Can't, going to my dad's." Victoria sighed, glancing at her baby pink nails.

"Same," Stephanie sighed.

"I'm actually having a family dinner- it's my uh, great grandma's 80th." Laura mumbled.

"I've got a date," Beth sighed. I felt my stomach plummet. None of them could go...they all had other commitments. I felt tears well up in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I just flashed them a nervous, small smile.

"Oh, okay, I understand! Maybe another time..." I smiled. They all shrugged and walked away, and I was left with Gerard who stood glaring after them.

"Don't say it," I mumbled.

He sighed. "I won't...c'mon, forget them! We'll have an awesome time tonight," He assured me, but I still couldn't help but feel rejected, and actual shit. I sighed and let Gerard shut my locker and tow me away to class as the bell rang.

Six periods later, I was standing back at my locker, waiting for Gerard. We'd decided to just sit in at mine tonight with the guys and order a pizza or something. I'd managed to cheer up a little through the day, as Gerard kept making me laugh by being an actual goofball. 

Speaking of that boy, where was he? I glanced to my right, checking if he'd forgotten that we were meeting at our lockers and had passed me to leave. Just as I was about to turn back around, to hands cover my eyes and I heard him murmur from behind me.

"Guess who, birthday girl?" He chuckled. I peeled his hands from my eyes and turned to him, grinning. 

"Ha, c'mon! I'm starving, the sooner we order our pizza, the better. Oh, there better be lots of sweetcorn on there!" I warned, dragging him away behind me, but he pulled back.

"What's the rush?" He asked. "Lets go for a walk..."

I raised my eyebrows. "A walk? Seriously?" I smirked.

"Yeah," He nodded. "Problem?"

"No...but where's Ray, Bob, Mikey and Frankie?" I asked as we both headed out the door. I casually slipped my hand into his own, which he didn't protest about. We'd been holding hands since we were ten, after we both realised that cooties didn't actually exist. 

"How am I supposed to know? We'll catch them later, quit worrying..." He laughed.

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