Not expected.

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Hey guys... This is shocking right, me updating after I don't know how long, but I couldn't just leave you guys without the ending of this story which is so unexpected and unpredictable, its almost coming!

Thank you for sticking by me eventhough I'm the worst writer ever who does not update her books, and thank for the lovely comments they mean so much! ♥
I'm finishing school in like 8 weeks on may which is exciting and I wouldn't have an excuse on why I'm not updating, but I'm sure by the time I have published the completed story I should have finished school.
Again with the talking too much... here's the story.
Love, Anitax
My phone buzzed on my bedside table beside my bed and I quickly picked it up without checking for caller ID. "Hello?"

"Kimberly,come and open the door." "Will?" I asked. "Yeah! now come and open the door, I need to talk to you."
"No Will I don't want to talk to you." My voice got all shaky and I hang up. I threw the phone on my bed, bitting the tips of my nails. 'Why was Will calling me?' I asked myself.

My phone began to vibrate again and I could feel it on my leg. I stared for a while as thoughts ran through my mind. 'Should I answer it?'
Finally after I hesitated I decided to pick up the phone.
"What Will!" I said coldly. "Calm down sweet cakes, I just want to talk to you now could you PLEASE come and open the door or will you just keep hanging up on me?" He emphasised on the 'please'.

I ran downstairs shoving my phone down the back of my jeans pocket and slowly opened the front door. I saw him, the same old Will, black skinny jeans with distresssed cuts sent right down to his knees, a black tight fitting shot sleeved shirt with a necklace with the letter 'W' held on with a black string.
His attractive blue eyes still sparkled but there was something different about him... his face was covered with cuts and bruises, it did not look that servere just a few cuts and seemed to be a swollen chin.

"Will what happend!" I gasped. "That little boy you call your 'boyfriend' came and beat me up!" The shock stopped words from coming out of my mouth, I did not know what to say.
"Now can you let me in?" He asked rudely, trying to push his way in but I blocked him.
"No!" " What? You think I'll rape you or something? You're already pregnant with my child" he laughed like it was a joke.

" You come to my house, make fun of my boyfriend, make a joke out of my pregnancy which is NOT funny! And rudley ask to enter my house and expect my to still talk to you! Like it wasn't hard enough already to come downstairs and see you." I wanted to close the door but his muscular hand managed to get a hold of the door before it shut.
"Kimberly I'm sorry okay... just listen to me..." " And could you keep it down my mum is here...she shouldn't see you" I let him know.

I stretched my neck to check, just incase she was coming down the stairs. I shut the door behind my and sat on the door step. "So? What did you want to talk about?" I asked.

He come closer to me and went into a squating position so we could be face to face.
" I wanted to tel you that, i miss you Kimberly! I know you hate me and everything because of the way I treated you in the past, but honestly I actually still loved you and I know I have a weird way of showing it because I hide my feelings by being rude to people because I think being a guy and showing your feelings is not manly and a sign you are weak.... but to you... Kimberly right now I'm not afraid to because I love you and I have never had this much strong feelings towards somebody but you. And it kills me to see you with that jerk!" He said.

"First of all James is not a jerk... he treated me better then you did when you left me, and why should I forgive you?" Honestly what he said really touched me but I still wanted to hear his answer.

"Because I said I'm sorry and mean it..." He stared deeply into my eyes almost burning my soul, the same stare that melted my heart the first day I saw him. "Will, that is not a gen..." Next thing I knew his lips crushed into mine shutting me up, and he placed his hand at the back of my head and pulled me closer. I held my breath as he continued waiting for a response.

Should I do it? Should I move my lips and kiss him back to let him know that I still love him and want him back? Yeah I remember those days when I used to still think about Will and wanted to do anything just to get him back into my life, forgetting the fact that he made me pregnant and left but I still thought he still had a little love for me. Kimberly it's your chance should you waste it?

Without another thought I decided to go for it and let him know that I still feel the same way too. I threw my hands around his neck and my lips      *sncynorized with his. He carried me lifting me up from were I sat, standing up from his original squatting position and I wrapped my legs around his waist and he supported me with his arms. His familiar scent kicked in reminding me of the old Will I miss.
"So... does that mean you miss me too?" He smiled widely. I kissed his forhead and nodded hard giving him my answer.

Comment what you think about them going back together ;)

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