~Meeting You~

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For the different versions of you

  Classic (Classic/y)
Underfell (Fell/y)
Underswap (Swap/y)
Underpatch (Gaster!Sans AU) (Patch/y)
Aftertale (After/y)
Error (Glitch)  


  (Classic/y) is just going through another reset. You expected to be falling, about to land in the bed of flowers next to frisk, but something has a hold of you. You feel a pull as you are dragged into the area between universes.
"H-hey" you squirm and are suddenly dropped onto the hard white floor of the white room.
"ReLaX" an oddly familiar voice says behind you.
"Damn Glitch! You just about gave me a heart attack! I saw the timelines flash before my eyes!" (Glitch/y) gives a laugh, her voice voice spazzing in and out.
"I FiGuReD I WoUlD GeT yOu FiRsT FoR My PlAn" That voice was hard to get used to.
Since there was no chairs you sit on the floor, you met the Error version of you before and you were not worried. Glitch wasn't bound on deleting anything like Error Sans in fact she made it her job to keep him company and keep him in check.
'What were you thinking?" You ask curiously as she sits across from you. Being a glitch her hair was pixilated, her body and clothes all white and had red and yellow eyes with the words "glitch" darting around her body like the word "error" did around Error Sans.
"WeLl A fEw TiMeLiNeS AgO ErRoR HaD OtHeR SaNs OvEr So WhY nOt Us? SiNcE wE mEt BeFoRe I FiGuReD i WoUlD GeT yOu FiRsT. It MiGhT Be fUn."
"Sure why not. I will wait here. You just gotta explain that you are like Error, im pretty sure each one of... us?... will be fine... and if not just play the error card and string them up." You laugh.
"WoUlD rAtHeR tHeY cOmE wIlLiNgLy BuT iF yOu InSiSt..." Glitch smiles and takes off, gathering the different versions of you.
She starts with the easiest, (After/y) she just kinda sulked and sat there with a sigh.
Then there was (Swap/y) who always smiles patiently and pat (After/y) on the shoulder. Then there was the harder two. (Patch/y) wasn't bad, she puffed on a cigarette and said "Sup?" she sat down leaning back, not really caring about much and unlike the rest of you who were a bit more modestly dressed she dressed in a belly shirt, leather jacket and black leather skirt.
She didn't give as much trouble as Glitch thought she would...
But lastly there was (Fell/y)...
"Let go of me! Fine I'm coming" Wearing deep red and a wicked smile with a knife on her belt "Sup bitches?" She smirks as she enters with a nervous Glitch.
"SoOo..." Glitch starts out getting our attention. "I tHoUgHt It MiGhT bE fUn To GeT tO KnOw OuR oThEr SeLvEs..."
"Well... alright, we could ask questions and go around the room" After says quietly
"That's kinda dull..." Patch flicks the butt of her cigarette to the other side of the room.
"Why don't we play a game?" Swap pipes up.
"We could play "I have never" do we all know how to play that?" Classic pipes up and a few shake their head. "Well it's kind of a drinking game, someone starts a true statement with 'I have never...' and if anyone has done that then they take a drink"
"W-w-WeLl.. I D-d-DoN't ThInK dRiNkInG iS a GoOd IdEa..." Glitch says nervously "ErRoR aCtUaLlY hAs No IdEa YoU gUyS aRe HeRe... It'S bEtTeR iF yOu ReMaIn SoBeR eSpEcIalLy SiNcE i HaVe To SeNd YoU bAcK wHeN wE gEt CaUgHt...."
"Fair enough, but how about something non alcoholic, just for fun?"
"Pansies" Fell grumbles "But fine, its better than just sitting here chatting"
So Glitch heads out and grabs your favorite drinks and some cups and comes back, you all sit in a circle and start with (Swap/y) who looks a little eager to start the game.
"Well..." she takes a moment and blushes when she thinks of a good one "Well I never did... 'it' with Sansy."  She says rather innocently. 
A few of you chuckle as all except Fell takes a drink.
"You are all seriously skele fuckers?" The rest shake your heads in annoyance and surprise at her hostility.
"If Sansy is as charming and brave as loving and strong and... what was i saying again? Oh yeah if any of your Sans is anything like mine then it's hard not to love him" Swap giggles. "I would if he just wasn't so cute an innocent!"
"Yeah whats your problem Fell?" (Patch/y) adds "He can be an ass sometimes but he always makes up for it."
"I'll tell you why, he's a fucking brute. He chooses to kill me in almost every timeline, bah whatever freaks." The rest try not to fight with her seeing as she is another version of you... except Patch.
"You wanna come over here and say that to my face?" Patch flicks her cigarette butt at Fell with a smirk. Fell gets up ready to go when Glitch Intervenes.
"N-n-N-nO fIgHtInG pLeAsE..."
"Yeah don't get mad, lets keep playing have some fun you two" Swap says cheerfully.
"Yeah and we don't want to get Error's attention..." The others nod and continue with (After/y) taking the next turn.
"Well... I have never actually killed a monster."
(Patch/y) shrugs, as though shrugging off guilt and takes a sip of her drink as (Fell/y) Drinks proudly and (Classic/y) sadly sighs and takes a sip of her drink.
"You guys wanna talk about it?" Swap says giving a patient understanding smile.
"Well" Patch pipes up somewhat quietly. "Most of the time I don't see the monsters till they are on the surface and the humans wage war, self defense is self defense though G is usually there to stop me." She gives a smirk when she mentions Gaster!Sans.
"Where i'm from it really is 'kill or be killed' I hear that the monsters in your guys dimensions are all lovey and soft but in Underfell there even sweet old Toriel will kill you if you if you turn your back. I have even died at her hands in one of my first few runs with her.... Now you are awful quiet... does goodie two shoes Clasic not want to talk about her slip up?" She looks at (Classic/y) with a smirk.
Classic gives a sigh "Chara possessed me instead of Frisk once... they took me on a pure genocide and there was nothing I could do to stop myself."
"Harsh" After says with a sigh.
"Sans...h-he... didn't take it well... I don't want to talk about it let's just keep going" Classic mumbles sadly.
"Alright, my turn" Patch pipes up "Welp I have never actually dealt with Chara" She shrugs and watches while everyone else but Fell takes a drink. "I mean I heard of her but shes never above ground."
"Chara doesn't even bother in my timeline... well It's my turn now..." Fell gives an evil smirk "I never did a pacifist run."
"Seriously?" Classic pipes up and everyone looks shocked.
"You really hate them so much? Are you sure you are one of us?" Replies After.
"Its just the way my world works, even your precious Sans is a dick"
Clasic is glaring daggers "Come on FellSans is not that bad"
"How would you know"
Classic just shrugs and takes her drink like everyone else then Glitch smiles.
"I gUeSs It'S mY tUrN" She glances as classic with a menacing smile, 
She wouldn't dare...
Classic glares daggers at her.
"I hAvE nEvEr BeEn WiTh A sAnS oUtSiDe Of My OwN tImElInE..."
"I hate you so much..." Classic says before taking a drink and everyone looks shocked.
"So you cheated on Sans with another Sans?" Asked Patch.
"One skeleton to fuck just wasn't enough huh?" Fell laughed.
"Alright fine... I will tell the whole story but it starts with that genocide where Chara took over..."

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