~Playing with the Devil~ Lemon

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He pulled away from the kiss with a wide eyed expression on his face and red cheekbones.
"(Y-Y/N)" He released you from his magic but pulled you in and held his teeth against your lips. You closed your eyes and held him close.
It was Sans and it was something you missed deeply, you missed the closeness, bony fingers against your skin gently touching your cheek, feeling loved and feeling wanted. You felt the sins of being with a different Sans crawling on your back but they vanished as he deepened the kiss holding your body against the tree.
He broke the kiss and looked into your eyes.
"Damn... well no knife in the back during that... shit, you don't know how long I wanted to do that..." He sighed and pushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
"So you're (Y/N) but from a different timeline huh?"
You nod, still blushing from the kiss.
"Which timeline?"
You knew this was Fell but you never knew what yours was called.
You shrugged.
"Hmmm" He backed up and looked at you with a smirk *Well the blue outfit and being kind... hmmm are you from the Clasic timeline?" You shrug again and he rolls his eyes.
"Ok was I punny and lazy, favoring a blue sweater and Papyrus eccentric and obsessed with Spaghetti?"
"Pretty much...." He smirks and scoops you up in his arms causing a surprised yelp and blush from you.
"Heh good thing you stopped me... Classic Sans would have had my skull if he knew I hurt ya."
You looked away slightly "He wouldn't have cared..."
"Come on sweetheart he wouldn't stop caring..." He quickly took a shortcut back to his place, still carrying you across his arms into the house. You looked up at him, he was so rough and rugged looking even with a red blush still on his face.
"He made it clear he hates me right now... its kinda why i'm here." He carried you up the stairs to his room.
"Aww geeze kid... what did you do?" You sigh as he carries you in and closes the door to his room.
You look away again, "I wound up possessed and did a Genocide run... now he hates me." He set you on his bed and sat down next to you.
"Awww geeze" he rolls his eyes again and gently touches your face "How could he hate you sweetheart?" he smiled at you. His smile always looked so mischievous and daring. 
The way he was looking you couldn't help but lean forward and kiss his teeth again. He moaned lightly against your lips and leaned forward deepening the kiss. You ran a hand down his back and he grabs your other hand by your wrist, holding it above your head. You felt his tongue press against your lips lightly and you gladly accepted. You felt him moan into your mouth as your tongues played between you. You yelp a bit in surprise as you feel his sharp jagged teeth sink down into your lower lip and pull back lightly.
"You better stop sweetheart" he breathed heavy and his red eye flickered "I'm warning you" he smiled and licked his teeth, looking at you as though he wanted to eat you. "We might just have a great time"
You kept looking at him, panting after that long kiss.
Its been so long.
You didn't care about the sins, you wanted more...


You pulled him into a kiss again and started tugging at his jacket. He gave out a groan as he played with your tongue again. The sound of his bones rattling filled your ears as he trembled. He kept one of your hands pinned above your head and with the other he groped your breast through your shirt causing you to moan against his teeth.
He finally pulled away and looked down at you with eyes filled with desire.
"You asked for it..."
He pulled off your shirt by ripping it in two, you didn't care about it right now. You reached up trying to tug off his sweater but he used his magic to hold your hands above your head. He looked down at you with a smirk and played with your breasts through your bra, watching you squirm.
He reached around and unclipped your bra and tossed it aside.
"What's my name sweetheart?"
"S-Saa~ ahhh!" he bit your nipple, almost puncturing it with his sharp teeth. He squeezed your other breast with his hand as his tongue circled around your nipple.
"Come on... say my name" His smile grew more and more menacing as you squirmed and tried again through your moans.
"S-saahhh!" he quickly dipped his free hand beneath your pants and he pinched your clit as you tried to speak. You were already a moaning mess as he roughly shoved his fingers in your already wet pussy.
"Come on sweetheart" You squirmed into his touch as he licked up your neck and whispered in your ear. "Say... my... name..."
All you could do was moan and squirm as he licked and groped you. Two of his fingers dove in and out of you pausing only to rub your clit with his thumb every once in awhile. Eventually you were finally able to moan out his name.
"Ohhh Saaans!"
The look he gave you sent shivers up your spine as he licked his teeth. Looking down at you with a predatory smirk. "About time my little pet!"
He pulled off your pants, tore through your panties and gazed down at your naked body. Your hands still pinned above your head as you bucked your hips a little, needing more.
He chuckled and started to strip off his sweater, then his shirt and teased you with a thumb tugging at the waistband of his shorts. The light glow of his cock could be seen through them. You whined with need.
"What do you want my little pet?"
You blushed and tried to look away but he pulled your face back to him, leaning over you just inches from your face.
"Come on, tell me what you want."
"I.. I want you..."
"You want me to what? Come on I don't know what you want unless you tell me"
You pulled at your bindings but he kept your hands tied tight above your head.
"P-please fuck me" you blushed.
"Well how could I refuse?" he pulled down his shorts revealing his erect member. You blushed brighter and squirmed harder trying to press your body up against it.
"So needy" He teased your entrance with just the tip. "Beg for it!"
It was too hot, he was so close you tried to buck your hips but he kept pulling out of reach until you gave in.
"Please Sans, I need it, please let me have you!" He finally rammed into you hard causing you to gasp out in pleasure.
"Ohhh fuck! I never knew how good a human felt!" Sans started to pump into you as you let out a lust filled moan. "So soft and tight!" he leaned over and ran his tongue up your neck again before rocking his hips harder.
You were a mess as he pounded into you roughly over and over again. You were lost in his groans and swearing. You didn't know how long he was pounding you before you started to release.
As you started to climax you wrapped your legs around him and moaned his name so loud you were almost screaming.
Even though your mind started to beg for a moment to breath, a moment to slow down and ride out your orgasm he didn't let up. 
He put his arms around you and in an instant you were teleported with him. Your back now against the wall as he kept bucking his hips against yours, not missing a beat. Your hands were still positioned above your head.
He held your ass with one hand, squeezing it with every thrust and his other was around your neck. He wasn't choking you hard but the threat was there.
He shoved his tongue in your mouth, almost shoving it down your throat. You were drooling and started to suck on his tongue between moans.
You felt his thrusts growing more and more sporadic and his cock throbbed inside of you.
"(Y-Y/N)..." he groaned "Want me to fill you pet?" The question caused you to blush and tense up, making your pussy tighter. He let out another moan in turn. "I want to hear you beg pet." his thrusts slowed as he tried to hold back. "Do it!" His hand tightened around your neck.
"P-please Sans" You called out "C-cum for me!"
He started thrusting again even harder than before. As he loses focus the magic holding your hands up vanishes. All you can do is wrap your arms around him and start shouting his name with his every thrust.
Just as you began to release again you could feel him cum inside you. You could feel his cock throbbing letting you ride out your own orgasm.
He moaned in your ear, not able to hold you up anymore, his knees weak from his own release.
"F-fuck" he groaned and pulled you back he fell and teleported at the same time pulling you back into his bed. You were now on his chest with him still inside you.
You groaned and rolled over finally pulling out and just snuggled into his bony chest as his cum leaked out of your body.
Even though every inch of you thought this would be uncomfortable you actually drifted off to sleep.


Everyone else was speechless as (classic/y) relived her memory. 
After several moments glitch finally spoke up.
"UhHhHh ShAlL wE jUsT gEt BaCk To ThE gAmE nOw?... AcTuAlLy 
"Ummm shall we just get back to the game now... actually isn't it Classic's turn?" 
She tried to shake off her embarrassment but came up with an idea.
"Well I want to switch for a dare"
"You can't do that!" Fell growled
"Well why not? And besides its for you so I have to ask... are you just chicken" 
Classic made a few chicken noises causing (Fell/y) to turn red with rage.
"FINE!" she shouted "I'll take your stupid dare but im not going to be a skelefucker I draw the line there!"
"Thats fine... however you have to be nice to him..."
"Wait I-" Fell tried to interrupt. 
"I dare you to do a pacifist run and the dare isn't complete until you reach Asgore"
But Classic just smiled and leaned back with a knowing smirk.
"Awwww can't do it huh? And i thought you would never back down from a challenge."
"What? I can I just refuse!"
"Nope... don't believe you..." Classic shrugged and everyone else giggled knowing what was going on. "Its hard enough fighting the monsters in Underfell I am sure its just too much of a challenge for you to spare them... I understand if you can't take on that tiny little dare." By now (Fell/y) was fiddling with her knife strap, trying to hold back her rage and trying not to stab her.
Classic smirks and Fell breathes heavily until she calms down... a shocked expression lit up her face as she just realizes what she got herself into. 

~Authors note~

No this book isn't going to be all about fell! but my first idea was a long one and i'm sorry i had been slower than usual on updating... I had a little writers block on the lemon... and have a writers block on my other book; Prisoner of War. I still don't know what to do with that one, I mean i have the ending all figured out and what needs to happen later... I just don't know what i'm doing leading up to that. 
Which happens almost every time I write something...

Anyways not much of a spoiler alert but a little one:

Next few chapters are going to go:
back to All
ErrorxGlitch (lemon)
The Underfell Dare (I will try and make that one just one chapter long)
and if I don't think of any ideas to put after this one it will be another

I wont spoil anything more than that and thanks for reading.

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