What is this...dango? A ninja academy??

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Okey dokie! This chapter is going to be about how Lilith meets her new guardian and enrolls in the Academy! I don't own Naruto, just MUH character and her actions!

-Lilith's POV-

After her little meeting with the Hokage, Lilith was assigned a guardian. She goes by the name of Crimson Rose...

"Interesting name..." Lilith says to herself, the Hokage allowed her to leave the hospital but only if she had Kakashi guide her to Crimson's house.

"Who's, Crimson's?" Kakashi asked the orange haired girl unamused which made Lilith look up at him and pout.

"Yea! What's she like? I bet she's pretty and strong and caring-"

Kakashi gives the girl a side glance as she continues listing off characteristics of how se thinks Crimson is. 'She's hardly any of those things...she can be pretty evil...'

Kakashi was so deep in thought he didn't realize they arrived at Crimson's house.

"Ne, Kakashi-San, I think we're here!"

Kakashi looks at Lilith and chuckles at her impatient face. He knocks on the door twice and he was met with an annoyed white haired girl.

"What the Fu-oh, it's just Kaka-baka...what do you want?" Kakashi's visible eye twitched in irritation. He then pointed down to Lilith looking up at the white haired female with wide eyes.

"This is going to be yours, Hokage's orders..." Was all Kakashi said before walking away. Crimson was about to curse him out but felt a tug on her pants. Looking down, she see'a the orange haired female with tears in her eyes.

Crimson sighs and picks up the young girl and brings her inside. "So, I'm Crimson...what's your name kid?"

"I'm Lilith! Ne, how old are you?" Came a curious question from a curious girl.

Crimson grew an irk mark at her question, "I'm twenty three, I'm not old! This is my natural hair color, if you say I'm old I will kill you." Satisfied with her semi-calm reply, she glances at the girl who made her way to her couch only to see tears in her eyes. She starts to cry which made Crimson panic.

"No, no don't cry. I didn't mean it!!! I'm sorry!" She hugged the crying child which seemed to calm her down. Crimson let out a sigh in relief, 'That was a close one...'

"...Can I call you mommy?"

That sudden question startled Crimson as she stared at the kid in shock. But knowing the kid was awaiting an answer, she let out a sigh and simply nodded her head.

"Sure kid, whatever floats your boat...anyhow seeing as your clothes are ratted and dirty...you need new ones. Let's go shopping."

-Time Skip-

After Lilith got a wardrobe full of clothes and some body stuff, they set off to go eat somewhere. Knowing Crimson, it was the Dango Shop.

"Ne, Crim-Chan...what's a dango?"


"..." Said woman looks over at Lilith with a blank look which makes the small girl shrink back in fear. "Your telling me...you don't know what a dango is?"

Suddenly Kakashi appears out of nowhere and stands next to Crimson. "Yo, what's up with her?" Crimson only gives Kakashi a plain look. He instantly understood that look, it's the look she gave Iruka when he asked what it was.

"Alright, let's go to the Dango Shop!" He intervened before Crimson could do or say anything hurtful. He dragged them both off to where the shop was located. As they entered, Lilith was amazed by the smell and the people. Everybody was smiling and having a good time, no arguments or glares...

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