Four Years Later, Our New Sensei's?

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Yea, I know you all are wondering what had happened with Sasuke and Lilith. This isn't going to just be a Sasuke story, a whole bunch of the Naruto characters fall for little Lilith. Anyhow, I will be updating this story more often then my Black Butler x Reader since this story is just like feeding me things to write about! If you haven't read my x Reader story then your welcome to!
"It's not like you can stop them..."
"Shut up Crim-chan!"

-3rd Person POV-

Lilith was excitedly waiting for Iruka to announce what team she would be on. She made some good friends over the past years, she even managed to friend Sasuke-(Crimson: Duckbutt), even though he would never say it out loud.

"Alright everyone, now I will announce the teams..." Iruka paused and watched as we waited in suspense. "Team one-"

Lilith blocked him out for the time being, all she was focused on was hearing her name.

"Team Seven, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno-" Naruto jumped up and cheered while Sakura banged her head on the table. "Sasuke Uchiha-" it was vice-versa this time. Naruto banged his head on the table while Sakura cheered. "And since there is an uneven amount of students, the Hokage thought it would be great to have Lilith Shadow joining Team Seven!"

Lilith squealed on the inside but on the outside she looked uncaring. Once Iruka finished assigning the teams, Naruto being Naruto, jumped up and started complaining.

"Iruka-Sensei, why does an amazing ninja like me have to be on a team with him!?" He dramatically yelled, pointing at a certain Uchiha who just glared at him.

Iruka-Sensei just sighed at his young students behavior, "That's because Sasuke has the second highest scores in the academy-"

"Who has the highest then!?" Naruto yelled, totally interrupting their Sensei. Iruka just sighed as grew an irk mark.

"As I was saying, Sasuke has the second highest while Lilith here had a little points higher then him." All of Sasuke's fangirls glared daggers at the orange haired teen while Lilith just shrugged giving a peace sign.

After all the fuss and commotion Naruto caused, they were told where to meet their Sensei's. But we had a lunch break before that though.   

-Lilith's POV-

I was sitting in a tree eating my lunch when I heard Sakura me, you would know it after constantly hearing it everyday. "Sasuke-kun! Y-You bad boy!"

Que sweatdrop. I jumped down from my tree to get a better look of things. Sasuke, or should I say Naruto, was about to kiss Sakura when Naruto's stomach started acting up. He quickly excused himself and ran to the bathroom.

I scanned for Sasuke's chakra and found him in a nearby building...and he's tied up.
"Pfft." Was all that came before I busted out laughing at the helpless looking Uchiha on the ground. He gave me one of his infamous glares and struggled to get free.

"W-would you l-like me to help you g-get out?" I was laughing too hard to even talk. He just turned his head to the side acting all cool while I shrugged, heading towards the door.
"Okay then, I'll just leave you be since you got this-"
"Mph!" Came Sasuke's muffled cry for help as much as it pained him.

I smirked and grabbed my Kunai and undid the bindings, Sasuke handling the tape.
"I hope you know that Naruto is posing as you and is trying to kiss Sakura at this very moment...just thought I'd inform my darling Ducky!" Came my calm voice but on the inside I was dying. Sasuke's eyes widened before he raced towards the window in a hurry not even bothering with me.

"A 'thank you Lilith, your the best!' Would've been nice..."
'But this is Sasuke were talking about...' The voice in my head argued which made me nod.

-Time Skip-

-3rd Person POV-

Once the boys and Sakura settled everything, the three genins were waiting on their Sensei, Lilith was already in the room before they were.

"Urrgh, why is Sensei so late? The other teams already met their Sensei and got to go home..." Suddenly Naruto stopped talking and a lightbulb appeared over his head. "Ah ha! There, that'll teach him for being late!"

"Oh Naruto..." Sakura sighed as she saw what Naruto was doing. He put an eraser on top of the door as a prank for our Sensei for being late.

"Hn. He's a jonin, there's no way he'll fall for that..." You can guess who said that.

"Yea, Sasuke-kun is right! Quit goofing around!"
'Kyaa, this is so going to be fun!' Inner Sakura thought. As if on que, the eraser falls on our Sensei's head.


"Pfft, hahahahaha, he fell for it!" Naruto looked like he was slowly losing oxygen from laughing too much which made Lilith sigh. She looked up at her Sensei with wide eyes.

"My first impression of you all...Idiots." Lilith pouted and he finally noticed her, "except for Lilith." The three other genin sweat-dropped and Lilith gave a little laugh. "Meet me up on the roof." Was all he said and disappeared.

-Mini Time Skip-

Once they made it on the roof, Kakashi-Sensei started talking. "Alrighty, now for the introductions..."

"How do we do that Sensei?"

Lilith face palmed at Sakura's dumb question. Kakashi gave her a pointed look. "You know, your likes...dislikes, hobbies, dreams and so forth."

"You go first Sensei!" Naruto exclaimed while pointing a finger at Kakashi.

"Me? Well I'm Kakashi Hatake, I don't feel like telling you my likes and dislikes. My hobbies...I have a lot of them. As for my dream...never really thought of one."

"All he told us was his name..." Sakura as Naruto sighed while Sasuke just 'Hn'ed.

Kakashi-Sensei just pointed at Naruto, "You, go next."

Naruto stood up proudly, "I'm Naruto Uzumaki! I like Ramen-" as soon as he started to speak, Lilith tuned him out. She liked Naruto and all but he can be too loud and talkative...

"Lastly...Lilith were you even listening?"

"Huh? Did you need something Sensei?"

"...Your introduction?"

"Oh name is Lilith Shadow. I like some stuff and I dislike some stuff...I have some hobbies like singing, drawing and reading. My dream is to become a great ninja and find out the truth behind what happened to my parents!"


"Well that was...something-"

"Kakashi! I need to borrow my daughter! Kay Kay? Bye!" As soon as Crimson appeared, she disappeared with Lilith instantly.

Kakashi sighed knowing there was no arguing with the white haired Konochi(?).

Once they were at Crimsons house, Lilith was instantly on alert. "What happened momma?"

Crimson just shrugged and dragged Lilith to the living room. "Nothing, I was bored and wanted some company...I'm also your teacher/Sensei so I'm allowed to kidnap I'm your mother so-"

"Wait...did you just say SENSEI?!"

A/n: Okey dokie, I'm ending it there...god these are longer then I expect. Anyways I won't ramble because ik you all are tired of me talking...haha anyways thank you for reading this story! Chow~  /(•-•)/

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