Sweet Fluttershy

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  • Dedicated to Riko Kiba Ookamizuka

- Hey, Rainbow Dash! Wait for me, Fluttershy yells as she tries to catch up with her friend.

Rainbow Dash stops and turns around, looking at her cute classmate with a soft gaze.

- You really shouldn’t run like that. One day you’ll fall and hurt yourself. That wouldn’t be very funny, would it?

Fluttershy smiles and scratches her neck while giggeling a little.

- I guess it wouldn’t, heh. But you’d be there to catch me, wouldn’t you?

Rainbow Dash sighs, grabs her hand and begins to walk home. None og them says a word until they get home to Rainbow Dash’s place.

- Why did you take me here, Fluttershy asks and looks up at Rainbow Dash, who is about 15 cm taller than herself.

- I just felt like if. feel like home!

She unlocks the door and opens it. Inside it’s small but very cozy. Fluttershy slowly walks in and takes her shoes off. Rainbow Dash walks in without bothering to remove her own shoes and sits down in the kitchen. Fluttershy slowly walks after her and sits down too.

- Would you like a cup of tea, Rainbow Dash asks friendly.

Fluttershy blushes and feel that she can’t refuse an offer from someone as kind as Dash. So she quietly nods and looks down on her knees. ”Why am I acting so strange?” she thinks, over and over again. ”She’s just a friend, no more. And she’s a girl. So why am I getting so worked up?”

- What flavour would you like?

- Ehm... Earl Grey..?

Rainbow Dash gives her a soft smile bofe turning around to take out two tea bags out of a cupboard.

- So, tell me Shy. How come you’re so cute and clumsy?

Fluttershy laughs nervously and blushes even more. Her heart beast faster and she still tries to figure out why she’s feeling like this.

- I don’t know Dash, I’m just myself..

- I know that already, but I mean Pinkie Pie for example. She looks kind of cute, but as soon as she opens her mouth I just want to punch her in the face. Idon’t know if you get what I’m trying to say here, but it’s not just how you look that makes you so adorable. It’s your sugar sweet personality. Here’s your tea.

Rainbow Dash puts down the tea cup on the table infront of Fluttershy, and without a warning she kisses her forehead.

- D-Dash...! Why would you do that, she mumbles and pulls up her sweater over her nose since she’s so embarrased that she doesn’t want to show her face.

- That’s exactely what I’m talking about! So sweet and ah, it makes me wanna kiss you over and over again.

Fluttershy keeps on blushing, but she slowly pulls down her sweater again and swallows.

- Then do it.

Rainbow Dash looks a little confused at her.

- Do it. Kiss me again. Prove that you mean what you just said, she says out loud and clear without hesitating even for a second.

Rainbow Dash looks a little shocked and winks like she’s trying to get a hold of reality. She never expected Fluttershy to say anything like that.

- Well if that’s what you want, she says and sits down on the table. She grabs Fluttershy’s chin, angles her head up towars her own and bends down. She slowly connects their lips and hides her left hand in Fluttershy’s soft hair. The kiss is long but sweet. None of them tries to make a move on the other and they last like that for et least one minute.

Rainbow Dash smiles and caresses Fluttershy’s cheek.

- You’re so adorable.

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