Lindsey's Got Talent

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Mark p.o.v.

Mark: Hey, Lindsey?
Lindsey: Hm?
Mark: So, you know that thing I asked about earlier?
Lindsey: Mhm...
Mark: Do you think you could show me now?
Lindsey: You have YouTube. You can look it up. You don't need my permission nor my presence.

I knelt at the end of the bed, resting my arms and head near her feet. She, however, was reading a book on the bed, not even looking up at me. Not that I blame her.

Mark: But I want to watch it with you...
Lindsey: Why? So you can laugh at me?
Mark: Why would you ever think I'd laugh at you?

She dropped her book and gave me a very aggravated face.

Lindsey: Because I made a fool of myself! It's embarrassing Mark! Why don't you get that?! Oh yeah, it's because you don't know how it feels to be insulted in front millions on live television!

I was a bit taken aback. She never freaks out like this. She seemed to realize this as she sighed, sat back, and put her hand over her face.

Lindsey: I'm sorry. Oh gosh, I'm so sorry Mark.

I climbed up onto the bed next to her, wrapping my arms around her shoulders as she cuddled against me.

Mark: If you really don't want to show me, you don't have to.
Lindsey: No, Mark, I want to, it's just...I don't want you to make fun of me.
Mark: I won't. I promise.
Lindsey: Okay. I'll show you.

Then she pulled out her laptop, and pulled up the video. I watched as the college version of her with brown hair danced across the stage with her violin, and cringed when I heard the buzzer of Pierce Morgan. His words afterward infuriated me, and when it ended, I just hugged her.

Mark: He was wrong. He was so wrong.
Lindsey: I know. I love you, Mark. So much.
Mark: Not as much as I love you.
Lindsey: That's impossible.

I pulled away slightly so I could see her face.

Mark: Is that a challenge Ms. Stirling?

She smiled brightly at me as I laughed.

Lindsey: Yes.
Mark: You're on.

A/N: So, that was cute, wasn't it? No?
Oh. Well then... XD
Anyways, hope you liked that.
More to come!

Until next time... :)

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