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Okay, so Lilly (iiSuperwomanii) just dropped this song and holy hell is it amazing! The concept was just so interesting, I had to write something about it! (Plus she's good friends with Lindsey and has at least met Mark, so hey). But yeah, hope you enjoy both the story and the song. :)

Mark p.o.v.

Don't listen to them! They're just talking shit.

But what if they have a point?

They can kiss your ass then!

But am I really helping anyone?

There are people who tell you that you've helped them everyday! And plus all the charity stuff...!

But am I there for the people who need me most?

Of course you are!

But what about my family and friends, who I haven't seen in forever?

You know what, you are fine being alone.

You're right, I should just relax.

But what am I even doing?

Am I happy?

Are other people happy?

What am I doing?

Who am I?

I'm a mess.

"Dude! Mark!"

"Oh, sorry, what Jack?"

"I said I'm going to have to leave early. I promised dinner, so you know..."

"No, it's totally fine. I'll call you later."

"Are you sure you're okay? You really zoned out for a bit."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I've just had a lot on my mind lately. I'll call you later."

"Okay. Just know I'm always here to talk. Well, see ya."

"Thanks. Bye."

Then the Skype call ended.

What was I doing anyways? I had all these...voices in my head, always arguing with each other. I always felt so conflicted. Was I doing good? Was I even a good person? And who am I? I just couldn't seem to figure it all out. What do I listen to? WHO do I listen to?


I turned around in my chair to see Lindsey peeking her head in. I smiled, happy to see her after all of this.


"How're you doing?"

"Good, why do you ask?"

"You've just seemed a little stressed lately. Wanna talk about it?"

"I've just been...I don't know...pondering life?"

"Oh no...any specific parts of life?"

"I don't know. I just...don't know. I guess that's the thing. I don't know what I'm doing, or if I'm doing any good, or am any good. Y'know? Like, I have people telling me I'm doing good and I see good happening, but at the same time I feel like I'm letting people down. Like my family, and friends. And then there's so many people out there who need help, and I can't do anything. And there's part of me who reassures me, while another tears myself apart, and then another telling me just not to care, and to relax. I just don't know what to do."

"I get it. But, you do what you think is right, Mark. You're a good person, with a big, sweet heart. So if you think you're doing good, then go with it. If you feel like you're letting your family and friends down, go see them. If you want to reach out more, find an avenue to do it. Or if you want to relax a bit, that's more than understandable. Everyone has these different voices in their heads, but the choice is which ones define you, and which ones you follow. And I trust you'll make the right decision. You will. I know it."

"Thank you, Lindsey. Well, I know what voice I'm going to listen to right now."

"And which one is that?"

"The one telling me to have a movie night with my incredibly sweet and inspirational girlfriend."

"I agree with this voice."

A/N: Okay, so the song is infinitely better than this. Trust me. Also, I've noticed I've been writing in Mark's perspective a lot. And according to me, there are apparently many inner struggles in the life of a Mark. Hm. I might have to change it up soon. ;)
But yeah, I couldn't help it. I had to write something on this. It's short, but hey. I liked it alright. And I hope you do too! :)
Also, as far as part 3 goes, pretty much why it's taking a while is I started writing it, but had to take a few days to do some stuff (vet stuff with le puppies, one of them got an ear infection. Poor Cookie, but at least Peanut is there to comfort her. But they're like best friends and it's really adorable. Anyways...), but then when I got back to it, I kind of forgot where I was planning on going with it. So it took me a bit to re-figure that out. But I've gotten back on track with that, so it's on the way. The painfully slow way, apparently, but still the way. (I'm sorry. I know I suck. It just comes naturally I guess). XD
But anyways, I've rambled enough in this a/n, so I'll wrap it up. Have a peaceful day/night/etc. and if you're one of the people who just started school, best of luck to you! I start my next college semester soon, so I get that's going to kick me in the ass some. School sucks. Yet I'm still getting a teaching degree. I'm sorry...but I promise I'll be the cool hip teacher, or at least I'll try. ;) (I'd imagine if have to change my hair though. Crap. It's like a purpleish grayish. It's cool).
So yeah, until next time... ;)

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