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Dearest Wanda,

It has been a slow day, but I have thoughts about this chaos we are in. Why are we siding with this robot? He is destructive. Yes, we want revenge, but do we want to kill innocent people too? I know you do not want that, but I am not telling you this because I am afraid of your reaction.

Big brothers can be afraid of their little sisters too, okay?

But anyways, this is going to be short since I am very exhausted even though it was a slow day. I feel like I need some more sleep.

I need to remember mother's lullaby to us, or father's stories about his day. I believe it has all been a blur considering all these things happening to us. Will they be proud of us? I hope they are guiding us from above. I know they will not leave us all alone in this cruel world.

Good night, my sister. I hope you rest well.

I love you.

your brother

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