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Austin dragged me into his house by my hair, I was crying my eyes out as he was being so voilent towards me for some reason.

"GET OFF ME!" I screamed

"Shut your mouth, you dirty bitch!" he growled

He threw me up against the wall by the wall, shit that hurt.

"What has gotten into you?!"

"Nothing babe" he said while approaching me and crouching down so his face was right next to mine.

"Please, just let me go" I sobbed

"No!" he said while grabbing my chin so I was forced to looked into eyes which were full of lust and he looked evil, so evil.

"Awwh, you're scared?" he said while stroking my face

I quickly shoved him off and stood up, "Don't touch me!" I hissed and then Austin slapped me really maing me fall to the fall. I rubbed my right cheek, what an asshole!

"GET UP!" 

I sobbed and did as I was told, he came up to me and started kissing my neck.

"Austin, please, don't do this" I sobbed

"DID I TELL YOU TO SPEAK?!" he yelled

Austin quicklyshoved his hand up my skirt and thrusted his fingers into me. I scream out in pain, I wasn't ready and I wasn't going to be. I started to cry the pain was unbelieveable.

"GET OFF ME! GET OFF!!!" I cried

Austin just laughed and removed his fingers.

"Awh babe, go get some sleep" 

Austin picked me up and then carried me to his bed, laid me down then left the room and locked the door. I cried myself to sleep, I was in so much pain, why would he do thism why?

Justin POV:

Fuck, fuck, fuck! I need to get Naomi back and I swear to god when I see Austin, i'm beating the shit out of him! I tried ringing her but he rphone went back to voicemail. Where the fuck has he taken her?! I decided to ring Scoter

"SCOOTER!!" I yelled down the phone

"Justin, calm down.."




"Well has she got her phone?"


"Well, track her phone then you'll know where she is"

"Scooter! You're a genuis!"

I quickly hung up and started making phone calls and within 5 minutes I knew where Naomi was. I'm going to get my soon to be wife back!

Naomi POV:

I was asleep when I suddenly got woken up by something laying on me then I felt like someone was kissing my neck? I woke up and saw Austin, I started screaming but he just covered my mouth with his mouth.

"Shut up!" he growled

I continued screaming, it was all that I could do. He started pulling down his trousers. no, god no, not again! I started kicking and trying to get him off me but it was working.

"NO, AUSTIN, PLEASE, NO!" I begged 


I kept kicking then somehow I managed to kick him in the balls, I ran downstairs crying and ran in to someone then fell onto my ass. I looked up and it Justin. 

"Justin?"I sobbed

I bent down pulled me up against and hugged me tightly

"Babe, it's okay, run to car, NOW!"

I did as I was told and legged it to his car

Justin POV:

Naomi ran to car and I turned around and saw Austin walking down the stairs doing up his trousers.

I quickly ran up to him and punched his straight in the face and he fell to the floor. I sat on him and then started repeatly punching him in the face.


He didn't reply and just carried on hitting them I was getting pulled off him.

"Justin, STOP! you're going to kill him" Scooter shouted


Austin stood up and he was covered in blood.

"If you go anyway hear Naomi ever agian, I will kill you, trust me!" 

Scooter was then dragging me out off the house and put me in the car where Naomi, was sleeping.

I pulled her towards me and wrapped my arms around her. God, we've been through so much, I love her, I never want to lose her and I can't wait to make her officialy mine and marry her.

Naomi POV:

I woke up and it was about 4 am, Justin was sleeping peacefully. I'm finally safe, i'm in Justin arms. Nothing can ruin this, Justin and I are going to get married soon and then maybe we'll try and have a baby, start our own family?

I was smiling like an idiot.

"Babe?" Justin mumbed in his sexy sleep voice


"I love you"

"I love you too Justin"

"Naomi, I can't wait to make you mine, can we please get married next week"

"omg, yes!"

"Naomi Bieber, sounds great "

We then made love and fell asleep, nothing can get in the way of our lifes now,

** THE END **



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