chapter six

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"No, you see, I believe that everything happens for a reason... and I can prove it you." -David

"Wait here, Callus." Louis slowly slides down the horse, shivering as droplets of snow drops from the sky and onto the ground. He grabs a bow and arrow, and pulls the string back with the weapon. He aims clearly at the rabbit before he releases. It shoots through the small animal's neck, and Louis approaches it and picks it the arrow up with the rabbit latched onto it. He puts the arrow back behind him and ties the rabbit onto the horse's reins. As he does so, he sees a slight movement on the corner of his eye. He whips to the side, seeing a deer nearby.

"Stay here." Louis ties Callus to a tree, "You'll just startle it."

He slides down a snowy hill, careful and landing on his feet neatly. He readies an arrow as he scans the area, tracking the buck. He could see it running away, and he follows it with his footsteps. He misses the deer for a second, until he sees him running away again from behind a tree.

"Fuck, you're fast." Louis mutters under his breath.

Eventually, he sees himself on top of a pile of large rocks, and he crouches down. The deer is below, seemingly calm and oblivious. Louis pulls his arm back with the arrow, aiming with a clear shot. "Steady." He whispers, and he lets go. He's sure he hit something, but the buck spooks and runs away even further.

"Shit." Louis climbs down from the pile carefully before he picks up his arrow as he gets closer. He follows its footsteps which are clear on the ice, but it gradually mixes with spots of blood as he follows it. He frowns in confusion but he follows it nonetheless. He's going to get that deer.

A few more seconds of following, he spots an old mining camp nearby. He hesitates greatly, but he chooses to move on. As he gets out, he sighs in relief as he sees the buck. It's lying dead and bloody on the snow with an arrow on its stomach and on its hind leg. He examines it, until he hears a noise from somewhere behind him.

He whips around, readying his arrow, "Who's there?" No one answers, "Come out!"

He sees two men; a middle-aged one and another one younger than Louis, possibly a teenager, come out from behind a tree. "Hello..." The older one speaks, "We just want to talk."

"Any sudden moves, I'll put one between your eyes." Louis' quick to threaten. It's not an empty threat, he'll do it. Ever since he's all alone for hunting and probably all of the tasks, he found himself braver and more independent.

"My name's David." The older one responds before he gestures to his companion, "He's a friend, James. We belong to a bigger group -women, children, and we're all very hungry."

"I am, too." Louis shoots back, switching his aim back and forth between the two.

"Well, maybe we could ah-" The man looks at his 'friend', "We could trade for some of that meat there? What do you need? Weapon, ammo, uh... clothes-"

"Medicine!" Louis quickly supplies. He notices his tone, and he calms himself, "Just antibiotics."

"We have some." This David nods, "Back at the camp. You're welcome to follow us-"

"I'm not following you anywhere." Louis demands, gaze still hard, "Buddy boy can go get it. If he comes back with what I need, the deer is all yours. If anyone else shows up-"

"You put one right between my eyes."

"That's right."

"Okay." David sighs, and he looks at his friend, "Two penicillin and a syringe. Make it fast."

Endure and Survive | Larry StylinsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang