chapter seven

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[A/N]: next chapter will be the last one yeeees


"After all we've been through, everything I've done; it can't be for nothing." -Ellie

There's a deer emblem on the wall, and Louis' deeply fascinated by it. Winter has ended, and him and Harry have been travelling ever since. They didn't stay in one place for a long time because of Harry's requests. They wouldn't be safe anywhere, and literally everyone they come across to will try and kill them. Through the harsh cold, it's been unbearable. Louis insists on staying in this one snug cottage so Harry wouldn't strain him and his stitches, even though they both know that Harry is already capable of himself. It led them to a fight, with Louis screaming that he just wants Harry to be alright and with Harry insisting that he doesn't want them to get spotted and get the whole thing back at the resort to start all over again. It triggered something in Louis, and the man left the room to lock himself in another.

The wind blows gently, and the winter season has left some of its cold to mix with the spring breeze. Louis has his arms crossed, and he reaches a finger up to trace the imprint on the concrete.

"Louis!" Louis whips around at the call of his name. Harry stands on the other side of the road, "Didn't you hear me?"

Louis shrugs, "What is it?"

"Look," Harry gestures to the buildings, "Hospital."

And there it is, and they shouldn't get there longer than one or two hours. It's so near, and Louis can actually make out the large red cross on the side. Harry calls to him, "Come on, let's go."

They walk to the turnpike, and Harry begins to chat, "Do you feel that breeze? Back before, I remember running around in my backyard in my underwear. Oh and, maybe when we're done with this thing, we can like... find another cottage and like... live there, or something. I'd like that, so much." Harry looks back, and sees Louis kicking a pebble, head hung down. Harry nears him, "Louis, I'm talking to you."

"Huh?" Louis snaps from his trance, and he looks back at Harry, eyes wide, "Oh, yeah, sure. That'd be great."

Harry chooses to let it go, and he peeks inside an RV. He opens up the cabinets, grabbing some useful materials. A picture catches his eye, and he grabs it from the floor. He wipes at the paper before he looks at it. It's a family picture; a father, a mother, a daughter, and a son. Harry throws it away.

Outside, he sees Louis entranced by another poster on the wall. It's an airplane, "I dreamt about flying."

Harry stands behind him, "When?"

"Before." Louis answers and Harry instantly remembers it. He remembers how they talked about each other, how one of them broke down, and how they first kissed.

"Tell me about it."

"So, I'm in this big plane full of people." Louis faces him, "And everyone's screaming and crying for help because the plane's crashing down. I go to the cockpit-" Always the lifesaver, Harry thinks, "-and there's no pilot. I obviously have no clue how to fly a plane, but I grab the controls, and right before we crash, I woke up. It's weird."

"Dreams are weird." Harry tell him.

They continue walking, and at the end is a warning. "Another city, another abandoned quarantine." Harry sighs. He goes further and he jumps over a van and onto the top of a bus. He spots the hospital, "There's that hospital. Clear as day."

Louis doesn't answer him, and Harry just shakes his head before he jumps on ground again. Harry enters a bus terminal, calling out, "Maybe we can cut through here?"

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