Chapter 1

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Have you ever had that feeling when you are in a glass box and can't get out and the more you try, the more it gets worse? Well that's happening to me right now.

Screaming, shouting and breaking objects this is what I wake up to every morning at 5am. As I try and block out all the noise by placing my hands over my ears I try to slowly open my bedroom door to see what's going on. My eyes start to water up as I see my mum being hurt by John. I go and sit on my bed thinking of happy thoughts. Like when dad was around... After a while I slowly wake up and walk out of my room. Mum approaches me with wounds on her body and face.

"Chloe, John is gone so you better get going to school. Oh and could you walk Sophie to primary school please?" Mum says.

"Mum why do you stay with John? He bashes us up all the time. You know i hate to see him even touch you."

She looks at me with sadness in her eyes.

"I know sweetheart. I just can't, if he wasn't here we'd be living on the streets. Remember i don't have a job so we need him to get the money."

"Yeah i guess so..."

A tear goes down her face and I give her a hug.

"Sweetie I miss him...." she snuffles

I hug her tighter and i start to tear up.

"So do I.."

"You better get going to school or you'll be late".

"Oh and can I drive?"

"Sorry Chloe John has taken the good car the only car you could drive is the old jeep".

"But Mum the Jeep is so old, and last time I took the Jeep it broke down half way there. Sophie and I had to push it!"

I grumble.

"Chloe there is no time to complain its either you take it or don't, John might come home any time soon!"

I walk up to Sophie's door and knock. I hear a little groan saying for me to come in. I walk in and see her all curled up in her little bed.

"Come on sis you've got to go to
primary school and I have got to go to school, and if I'm late I won't come home happy".

  Sophie slowly gets out of bed and gets dressed. She walks out with her little bear named Mr. Bear. I grab her hand and walk to the kitchen, grab our lunches and head off to school.

I start to walk to my sister's primary school. I get there and knock on the door. The owner of the little primary school down the street, (Rick) walks to the door with his shiny police badge on his shirt.

"Hey Chloe! Hey Sophie!" He says

"Hello!" Sophie says with a huge grin on her face.

"Sorry to be rude but I've got to head off to school"

I kiss Sophie on the head and high five Rick.

I get to school and see my Boyfriend Jacob. He walks up to me looking quite angry....

"You're late!"

All of a sudden he slaps me across the face.

"I-I-I didn't mean to be..."

A tear goes down my face and I collapse on the ground. He helps me up and smiles and whispers to me.

"Don't you ever be late again or you'll get hit again. Remember our deal?"

He walks off with a smirk. Acting like nothings happened.

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