Chapter 3

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Mum pauses for a while.

"No sweetie he is not he is out at the bar with friends". I sigh with relief.

I grab my breakfast and afterwards call Sophie down.

"SOPHIE!" I yell.

I hear small footsteps walking down the stairs.... John Suddenly opens the door and looks at me and Sophie like we are some intruders. He narrows his eyes.

"Go back to your rooms" He whispers.

I tilt my head because I couldn't hear him. Suddenly Sophie gets punched in the head by John. 


I run over to her with tears running down my face. I look over at John and he has the biggest grin on his face.

"You monster!" i say with anger 

I get up and walk over to John with my hand in a fist. I attempt to punch him but he grabs my fist and whacks me down to the ground. My mum is over with Sophie and then everything goes black....

My head is throbbing, nose is running and I'm so cold. I look over to see Sophie next to me. Is she okay?

"Oh you're awake Chloe" Says a nurse.

I keep looking around

"Is Sophie okay" I mutter

"Yes, she is very banged up though"

Suddenly I hear the defibrillator go silent. My heart beats like a thousand race cars going around a race track at once.


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