Chapter 4

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A/N: italics are thoughts :3
I start to sweat and have a panic attack. I feel like I'm going to pass out.

Come on Chloe you've got to make it through.

A tear runs down my face as I see nurses surrounding my sister. Through a gap I can see Sophie skin white like the snow laying there.

"Are you okay?" a nurse asks

"Can i have s-s-some oxygen....?" i say in a soft and dry voice

A rush of oxygen goes through my body and I feel 10000 times better.


I nod.

"Chloe, Sophie is okay. She will recover but it'll take some time."

"Can I see her?" I say softly

"Well you're not any better, you can walk over to her but a nurse will have to accompany you."

"Can I see her now?"

The nurse takes my blankets off and helps me stand. I hold onto my drip stand to support me and I slowly approach Sophie and she's looking write at me.

She looks terrified....

"Hey Soph" I smile

She looks at me with a smile on her face

"Hey sis I missed you" she says softly

I place my hand on hers and rub it softly.

She's so warm...

"Sis your hands are cold" she says.

"I know I just woke up"

"You were sleeping?" She looks at me with her big blue eyes


Everything goes blurry and I loose my balance and fall still holding onto Sophie's hand.

"CHLOE!!!" I hear Sophie scream.

I try to open my eyes but there locked shut. Suddenly I feel someone pick me up and I get placed in my bed. Everything is still blurry and I'm freezing. A warmth suddenly rushes through my body as I get warm blankets placed on me. I open my eyes and then I see two figures.

Mum.... John....

BLACK OUTTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon