Chapter 4

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Through out the time leading up to Elena and Mack's 1 year anniversary of dating, Rose kept flirting with (or at least attempting to flirt with) Mack. Elena noticed one day but brushed it off, she didn't think anything of it. One day though, the flirting from Rose was getting out of hand so Elena talked to Mack about it. "You need to get her to stop flirting with you," she said, "if you don't, then we're going to have to break up." Mack nodded, "okay, I'll talk to her." He said as he left to talk to Rose. Mack found Rose in the kitchen. "Hey Rose, I'm going to have to ask you to stop flirting with me." He said walking over to her. "Why, do you not like being flirted with?" Rose asked flirtatiously. "No, it's because I have a girlfriend who will break up with me if you don't stop." Mack said getting annoyed. "Fine, I'll stop." Rose lied. Mack left the kitchen and went to the training room. Elena was also in the training room and after a while of just the two of them in the training room, Rose came in and started flirting with Mack again. Elena had enough and stormed out, and Rose realized exactly who Mack's girlfriend was. "You said you would stop." Mack yelled at Rose. "I lied." Rose said walking around Mack. Mack stormed out of the training room to find Elena. "Yoyo, don't be mad at me," he said when he found her in her room, "she told me she would stop, but she lied to me." Elena sat on Mack's lap, "I believe you." She said snuggle up to him.
A few months had passed where Rose wouldn't flirt with Mack, and he and Elena thought she finally stopped.

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