She'd Thought He Was Kind.

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Glob, I... *deep inhale* I can breathe. Was that him? He saved me?

I stared at him dazedly with my eyeballs, blinking slowly, breathing, taking in the appearance of he who seemingly is my savior.

Interesting appearance. I'm not even kidding, like his skin was gray or something, but it looked... good on him. Looked, right. I know, that sounds totes weird. but it's the honest truth.

His hair was jet-black. The tips only were wet. it looked soft enough that i wanted to reach up and touch it and run my hands through it, but i knew he'd freak out if i did that, so i contained myself.

"Who are you?" Omigob his voice was so deep. I'd heard a lots of guys' voices in my sixteen years of life. Truth? i was a total tomboy. like i heard dudes speak all day every day, since that was all i hung out with was my bros. Out of all the males I knew, however, I'd have to say this new one had my most fave voice. Deep, and smooth, and calming to say the least.

"Hello?" He waved his hand in front of my face. I was so encaptured by his voice I'd forgotten he'd asked me a question. Whoops!

"I'm fionna." I answered.

He crinkled his eyebrows. "Are you...Are you human?"

"Yes." When i said that his chocolatish eyes immediately widened. "Wow... I had no idea.." The guy sounded super surprised.

"Whaaat?" I asked, wondering if I'd said a bad thing.

"I had no idea there were any humans left. How many more are there of you?"

"Of me? You mean you're not human?"

"No, I'm a vampire. See?" He turned his head to the side and showed me his neck, displaying two small red marks on his skin.

"Oh" I hadn't realized, and wouldn't have, if not shown.


"I'm the only human left, I think. That's what gummy told me."

"Oh." He looked kinda depressed.


"Why are you sorry? Don't be. Hey, come on let me take you home." He held out his hand, i took it and stood up.

"Umm..." I said, hesitant.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know where it is, my home. I fell off the back of a dragon and i thought i drowned in the water, but i guess not, since I sit here in speech with you. So its an easy assumption that i don't really know where i am right now."

'In speech'. Because everyone says 'in speech'.

"......" It may have been that i caught him off guard with my 'in speech'.

"...Well i suppose you can stay at my house for the night and we'll look for your place in the morning." As vampy spoke, he helped me up to my feet and sort of brushed some sand off, albeit gently, like I was some porcelain that he didn't want to damage.

"Okay." I agreed.

He took my hand and we walked together, across the line of the sand and the water on the beach.

Third POV

It never occurred to her that she knew almost nothing about the guy. She was calm and while they were walking hand in hand along the beach line, she felt free and uncaring, like she was safe and nothing could happen to her.

He glanced over at the girl occasionally, only to find her looking at the pretty, orange sun approaching the horizon. Every time, he looked away quickly, not really sure why he didn't want the girl to catch him looking at her.

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