Hullabaloo and Whatnot

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"Oh. Are you Doctor Prince's assistant?" I asked, hoping he wasn't DP's replacement.

"Well, no. Not exactly. My name is Doctor, but.." He grinned, "I'm more of a travelling man myself."

"I gotcha! You like going on adventures and stuff?" I privately understood this new person's slight 'predicament'. Other people would mistake his name for his title, just the same as Ice Queen mistaking Dr. Prince for an actual prince.

"Absolutely! Though not in the way your thinking of."

"What's that?"

"Not in the way you're thinking of. I-"

"I heard ya; Im only curious, what different way do you mean? Because I travel all sorts of ways: on feet, piggyback with my sister, ice skiing, sledding, wolf chasing, portals to the Nighto'sphere, being carried by the Mountain beings or the Bubblegum Guardians, being chauffeured by Banana Guards, Hopping, skipping, galloping, doing the Heeba Imeba chant, and, most recently, riding on the back of a dragon."

"Sorry, Nighto'sphere? What's that?" He queried, genuinely confused.

"Applesauce! You really don't know?"

" Okay, first of all," the Doctor held a finger up, "I'll have you know that apples are rubbish. Secondly,

"Secondly isn't a real word. You would just say 'second' or 'second of all' or 'next' ." I corrected, remembering my language lessons with Prince Gumball (he's actually a prince.).

"Also apples are delicious and an apple a day keeps the doctor away."

"Precisely! Rubbish!" Ohh.. Cause he's

I explained. "The Nighto'sphere is a hot burning place, kind of like the fire kingdom with less fire and more evil demons. And the ruler is Hannah Abadeer. Do ya wanna see it? I can-"

"Hey!! What are you doing?? Wait up, I got some water and food!" A familiar voice called from behind the Doctor and I.

*Gasps* The vampire! No! Save my life, Doctor!

I yelled exactly that. Vampire was floating sort of fast towards us. Doctor looked at me, glanced at the approaching threat, then back at me. He raised his eyebrow in curiosity. Waving his hand out, "What's all this, then? Hulabalo and whatnot."

"A vampire, he saved my life, but he didn't know I was human and now he does so basically what you're beholding is my impending death not only in our general vicinity but flying at a if I must say quite rapid pace in my direction." Panic tends to erase my pauses and commas.

A decision reached him as he frowned and he took my hand, saying "Allons-y!"

"Ha-what? A lion's eve?"

He sighed, not mad. "Come along, then."

With that, we began running. More like he ran and yanked my wrist which indicated that either I follow suit or I'm less a hand. This isn't the movies, and I should warn this stranger that some little two minute rest doesn't recharge my energy.. I panted.. He-- he's,

"You're running awfully fast, aren't you..?"

I did my total best to isolate my voice from all traces of breathlessness. How could I? Ruin my chance to make a good first impression by acting like some poor worn out little girl, eh? Hecks nah! I'm tough, I'm the adventuress!

However- my feet hurt, i cant breathe. My tummy hurts, I can't breathe. these thighs of mine feel lethargic, as if I was wading through quicksand, and hOLY MOTHER OF GLOBBING GRONMAN I CANT BREATHE!!

That last thought coincided with my collapse upon the dewy sunflower patch covering damp soil. My hand revoked itself from Doc's grasp. I choked. No matter how deeply I expanded lungs, it seemed air refused to enter my body. I kept tryin' and kept tryin' yet all labor was in vain. Tears welled up at my eyes.

I could only hope, as I blinked the saliva away (I don't like 'tears' if its coming form me (2) ), that the Doctor could get away in time. I knew he was people like me, and I didn't want him to get ate! Yes I had indeed, made it a point while we were running, to search his neck for vampire marks,

And there were none. But... I don't think Gummy lied to me about I'm the last human. Gummy, my bestest friend, my brother in every sense but actual, would never lie to me. He must not of known.

This man, was human. Human that I've never seen save a mirror. Really really human, unlike Simon Strong. I could tell, Doctor's whole body was warm and not pale, shaped humanish, and he was just so.. People-like. I know that's so bad and I feel bad! People are people, no matter if human or gum or vampire or demon or Mountain Beings.
But..Moments pass...where sometimes I wish I wasn't the only one.

Of course petty things like this are what hold my concern at the moment of my death. Death..?

Wait, holdup! Didn't I already almost die like twenty minutes ago?? Can I plz have a break? Can I please not almost die? Or just not die at all, I should clarify that. I-

"Hey! What's wrong? What are you--" I heard a sharp intake of air. "Oh no."


Out of nowhere!

I became aware, thru my violent choking and dizziness from lack of oxygen , of once again a horrible pounding on my chest! I guess you hit soneone's chest when they're dying and blam!they come back to life. But oh globshacks does it hurt!

If only, if only. If only I could have just enough breath to speak. Luls bro.

So..dizzy...sleepy? Shadows, spots, of black. Swirling and surrounding me.. Can't think,

Doctor, s....

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(2) credit for saliva/tears idea goes to Imtheone16 on wattpad

PS I'm starting on the next chapter. Keep an eye out for a bit. Im still working on getting Wi-Fi at my house. Have to go out now, but when I can I'll update.

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