Ice Queen isn't Evil

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"Its cold," stated the Doctor, irritated.

"This is the Ice Kingdom! What did you expect? What did you reasonably expect?"

He cracked a smile. "I suppose you're right. So, what's special about this place?"

"Just follow me, 'Kay? I'll show ya."

They trudged through the ankle-deep snow for some time until a tall mountain with a triangle shaped hole stood before them. Fionna wiped her forehead off.

"You're sweating?" He asks.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" She replied, slightly defensive.

"Well, in this freezing weather?"

The bunny-eared girl shrugged nonchalantly. Pointing to the cave, she told the Doctor that was their destination, and they set out for it.

"Get ready for.." A dramatic pause.


Suddenly, the subject of Fionna's sentence burst out of her icy cave. "What are you doing on my property!" A ball of diaphanous blue energy formed halfway around the Ice Queen's hand. Upon seeing Fionna, it dissolved and everyone relaxed. "Oh, it's you, Fiora. I thought another annoying fire wolf had come down to melt my house again."

The doctor's companion frowned. "My name is Fionna," she corrected.

"Whatever! Won't you come inside? And," Ice Queen continued, taking notice of the Doctor (who was totally confused), "bring that cute dude in with you. Hubba, hubba!" She said with heart eyes.

Fionna shrieked a little. "Hey! That's my companion!"

Ice Queen dragged Fionna and the doctor inside, ignoring both their protests. She threw them both on the bed unceremoniously.

"Ice queen! What the donk!" Cried Fionna.

"Remember when I froze that talking duck so they'd quit bothering you?" Ice queen asked.

"Yeah..? So what! That has nothing to do with plopping us on the bed for no reason!" Said Fionna, flailing her arms about her.

Ice queen huffed and grabbed a board game from her closet, quickly closing the closet door so nobody saw the inside.

"It does, I did you a favor and you promised me you'd return it. See? I still have the 'one Fionna-favor' coupon you gave me." The blue-skinned woman reached into her dress and pulled out a old, wrinkly piece pf paper from glob-knows-where and flaunted it in Fionna's face.

The Doctor read it out loud. " 'One Fionna-favor, free of charge.' Huh. I suppose you should honor that promise, Fionna."

Rolling her eyes, Fionna plopped back down on the bed and conceded. Ice queen opened the board game, which happened to be Monopoly, spreading it out between the odd trio.

The Doctor's eyes squinted slightly. "Monopoly" sounded vaguely familiar to him, but he couldn't place where he'd seen it before. Fionna and Ice Queen's resumed banter reached his ears and he decided to keep that thought in the back of his mind and dwell on it later.

"Aw! But that's not fair! The car is my favorite piece!"

"Well, too bad! I'm always the car!"

"What in the world are you two arguing about now?" The doctor piped up.

"I wanna be the car piece, but Party Pooper here says she's the car." Fionna explained, pouting quite cutely.

"Alright, I'm solving your problem." He took the car piece out of both their hands and placed it on the Go spot. "I'll be the car."

Ice Queen and Fionna looked at each other and shrugged.

"Sounds fine to me."

"Yeah, he's the guest anyways, he should get first pick of his own piece."

Ice Queen chose the horse piece while an unhappy Fionna finally settled on the shoe. The three of them played for a while, laughing and occasionally trying to pull each others' hair out (the Doctor had to intervene). They got through a whole game, then Fionna stated that she'd done her favor, now could she leave, please? Simone relented, but not before giving Fionna a super bearhug and the Doctor a wet kiss on his cheek.

The Doctor was literally so cold he with his resilient Time Lord body crossed his arms and audibly shivered. While, Fionna kept right on sweating and panting, as if going trudging through the ankle deep snow was some extreme physical exertion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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