Author's Note x

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New story, right here. 

Which is ironic because this isn't exactly a "new story". I wrote this story a couple of years ago and I only thought of publishing it just now. I thought it was such a waste that I didn't continue writing this and this was such a good idea back then, I was so enthusiastic about writing and publishing it and so I thought HEY! why not give it another chance and here I am posting it!

So first of all, I would just like to say I hope you guys enjoy reading this story as I have enjoyed writing the first three chapters of it. This is going to be more of a fun and active story rather than an all too serious one, but it will make sense I swear!

Secondly, I want to point out that, again, I wrote this story years ago so the first three chapters kind of have a different style of writing (I think. I re-read it and I thought I sound a little different o.o) so expect that I'll probably change the writing style throughout the story, but that doesn't mean this will get boring. No way, nuh-huh, absolutely not. HAHA

Lastly, I'm going to need help with this. I constantly suffer writer's block which is basically every writer's greatest enemy in life. I lost my motivation in writing this before and it took a while to have it back. If anyone has any suggestions or comments about the story or if there's anything you want me to add I'll gladly consider them. Help me write this story I only want what's makes you guys happy (awwwwwwwwww!!!! y'all should be touched HAHAHA JK).

Also, I have mention how my timing is SO wrong in publishing this because school is coming next week (groans eternally) but I'll try my best to update this time to time. Okay, in my defense, I was only motivated now so yeah you can't blame me. HAHAHA. I still have my Potter fanfic to work on as well, BUT I'LL TRY MY BEST. ALWAYS (see what I did there?) 

I hope you guys will enjoy and like this! Easy on the critics though------please HAHA! But still, feel free to comment your thoughts, I'm open to them! :D


I.A.Custodio xxx 

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