PART I: The Capture

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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Village of Hogsmeade

Harry Potter along with his friends Ron and Hermione were walking around the streets of Hogsmeade on a beautiful snowy Saturday off. Ron and Hermione were having a heated conversation about something but Harry wasn't listening. He was a bit preoccupied rubbing his hands and keeping himself warm. The weather was freezing cold. Hermione and Ron dragged him out to Hogsmeade saying: "There's nothing to do in the castle". The snow rained down on them and the other two gave no attention to the almost-killing weather. "Where to first?" Ron asked Harry after their long and seemingly endless argument. "Three b-broomsticks." Harry said through his chattering teeth. "P-please? I'm f-f-f-freezing." He pleaded. "Alright then." Ron shrugged and they headed to the Three Broomsticks.

When they got inside Harry was extremely relieved as he was surrounded with warmth. They chose a table to sit on. A waiter approached them to take their order. "Three butterbeers please." Harry ordered. "And add a bit of ginger on one" Hermione asserted. The waiter nodded and left. Harry looked at the waiter carefully. There was something unusual about him. His eyes were pitch-black and there was an odd black something on his wrist but he can't figure out what. Harry's not sure but it made him uneasy. "Are you okay Harry?" Hermione asked. "Hmmm?" Harry turned to look at Ron and Hermione, sitting next to each, looking at him worriedly. "I...uh..." he sputtered. He took a glimpse of the waiter again who's wiping the counter with a rug. "Nothing." Harry answered finally. Voldemort has been trying to get his revenge on him and Death Eaters have been sprouting out everywhere planning to attack him. Nowhere is safe for Harry.

"You're a little pale, Harry" Hermione indicated worriedly. "I'm fine." Harry muttered running his hand on his already messy hair.

"Your orders, sir." A creepy and hoarse voice said from behind them. Harry turned to see the waiter was back, handing them their butterbeers. Then he left when each of them has a butterbeer. "That bloke's voice was weird" Ron described. Harry looked at his butterbeer suspiciously. "Harry." Hermione called him again. Harry ignored her. Something was wrong. There was something not quite right. Harry eyed the beverage carefully. "Harry?" it was Ron's voice this time. "Don't drink your butterbeers." Harry warned them strictly. "What?" Ron asked just as the same time as Hermione said: "Why?"

Harry looked up at them and then suddenly his scar started prickling. Pain shot through his forehead. "We have to get out of here." Harry uttered clutching his forehead. He three of them stood up right away and turned to leave but the waiter was standing in front of them, blocking their way. That's when Harry realized, the black marking was the dark mark. The waiter was...

"A DEATHEATER!" Hermione screamed catching everyone's attention and before anybody could stop him or Harry could take out his wand: "STUPEFY!!!!!!" the death eater bellowed hitting Harry square on the chest. Harry went flying back towards the back of the room, unconscious. The death eater ran towards Harry, grabbed his collar and disappeared.

New York, Museum of Natural History

Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase were roaming around the museum and Annabeth's been fascinated with everything they passed through meanwhile Percy just yawned. "Oh look Percy!! Look at the Grand Canoe!!!" Annabeth squealed excitedly. "Yes, you've pointed to it 5 times already!" Percy groaned. Annabeth placed her arms on her hips and frowned at him, "Well I'm sorry Percy but I unlike you know what's interesting." She argued before rolling her eyes and walking off. "Yeah, right." Percy muttered following her. "Excuse me?" Annabeth turned back to him. "Nothing." Percy said smiling. Annabeth continued to walk away. They just kept walking until Annabeth turned to look at Percy again with a very excited look. "Percy, can we please go to the Hayden Planetarium? PLEASE???" she pleaded.

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