PART III: Being The Uncooperative Brats That We Are

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"So basically they trapped us in here and they don't know what to do with us." Tris complained boredly. Her back pressed on the wall with one leg folded across her other leg touching the end of the cage. "I'm so bored."

"Yeah, why couldn't they stuff the cage with computers or stuff. That'll entertain us." Percy added, who's lying on the floor. "That's because they are mad evil scientists." Max told them. "I'm hungry..." Clary muttered. "We all are." Tris asserted.

"Hey Tris?"

"Yeah, Max?"

"Your tattoos are really cool."

Tris looked at the three ravens tattoo just above her collar bone and grinned. "Thanks. The ravens symbolize my family. My mom, my brother and my dad"

"Really? They look like Fang, Iggy and Gasman to me though." Max said looking at the tattoo carefully. "Do they have black wings?" Max nodded to answer her question. "I want to have a tattoo..." Katniss mumbled. Max and Tris turned to her, "Really?"

"Yeah, maybe I'll have a mockingjay on my arm or on my shoulder."

Harry groaned from his sleep and turned to look at them. "Are they going to kill us yet? The boredom is already murder to me." His british accent echoing across the room. "Hm, it's quite weird though. They could've finished us in one swiff yesterday but they didn't. You think they want something else from us?" Percy asked. "Maybe. But what's taking so long?" Katniss replied.

"I feel the need to kick something here." Max added. Just then ter Borcht entered the room with a pen and a board in his hands. "Speaking of the need to kick something." Max muttered. The others sniggered but ter Borcht just looked at them blankly. "Ve vill be asking you some questions." He told them. "Well I don't think you need to ask me anything anymore, Borchy. You already know about the adventures of the amazing Maximum Ride" Max commented putting a smug look on her face.

Ter Borcht ignored her and continued to Harry's cage. Max caught Harry's eye and gave him a look that says 'Don't tell him anything'. Harry nodded and turned to face ter Borcht. "Vhat abilities do you haf?" he asked.

Max caught his eye again, she just winked at him. Harry grinned mischevously and said: "Is snoring loudly counted as an ability?" he said. "Oh yeah, he slept a while ago and his snores could be heard from outside. Really Harry!!!" Max expressed. She looked at the others in the room and mouthed: Play Along!


"He said he can snore really loud. Are you deaf?" Percy told him. Ter Borcht ignored him. "The Dark Lord told me you are skilled in defending yourself against the dark arts?"

"Ohhhhh! The Dark Lord!!!" Harry exclaimed waving his hands. "That nickname's a little too mainstream. Why not call him by his first name 'Tom'? Or if that's too simple for you, you could call him Tommy, or Thomas, or---"

"Thomas and his friends! Thomas is the cheeky one, James is vain but lots of fun" Percy started singing the theme song to Thomas and Friends. Max along with Katniss, Clary and Tris laughed out loud. "Percy pulls the mail on time, Gordon thunders down the line, Emily really knows her stuff..." they all sang along. "Enuff!" ter Borcht scolded them. They all stopped singing at once but they still have mischevous grins on their faces.

"The Dark Lord also told me that you have exraordinary flying skills-----??"

"You do?!" Max said lighting up at hearing that Harry is a good flyer. Harry averted his attention from ter Borcht to Max. "Yup! I do very well with my broomstick"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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