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The Dark Lord Voldemort, tapped his long, slender and skeletal fingers on the table, the other hand tightly gripping his wand as he waited for his visitors to arrive. He's supposed to meet people from different worlds to fight against the only thing that stands in their way. Then, he heard the door of the mansion creak open. Heavy footsteps followed, he could hear the foreigner ascend the marble stairs and the door to the dining, where Voldemort was staying, opened. "My Lord." A voice spoke. Voldemort carefully stood up from his seat and faced a thin man, with white hair and thick rosy lips. "Coriolanus Snow" Voldemort spoke softly. "I was afraid you got lost"

Snow, the president of Panem, smiled a bit. "Your directions were very clear, my Lord"

Voldemort nodded, "Good." Voldemort sat back down to his seat and Snow was left there standing. "Well, have a seat" Voldemort said.

Snow nodded and took the seat beside him. "Who else are we expecting?" he asked. But before Voldemort could answer the door opened again and a woman and a man came in. The woman was wearing spectacles and has watery grey eyes. The man was tall with sandy hair. Both new up comers bowed down to Voldemort. "My Lord." They said in unison. "Jeanine Matthews... Roland ter Borcht... I'm pleased that you made it. Take your seats" Voldemort told them still speaking in that calm, soft and absolutely terrifying tone. Both sat beside Snow, avoiding eye contact of the dark lord. Then a door somewhere far down the hall burst open. Voldemort can see something glowing inside the door. But a man stepped into the room with white blond hair and pure black eyes. He looked straight into Voldemort's cat-slit pupils. "My Lord." He greeted.

"Valentine..." Voldemort said so soft you could barely hear it. "Take your seat." Valentine walked over and sat on Voldemort's other side. "Are we expecting anybody else?" Valentine asked. Suddenly a paper white mist appeared and it surrounded the entire room. "TOM" a loud and thunderous voice booms through the hall as the titan king called the dark lord by his mundane name. Voldemort raised his head with a forming frown on his face. But he remained calm.

"Kronos..." Voldemort welcomes. "Just in time..."

Once everyone was comfortable, Voldemort stood and spoke up, "My friends, I have called you here today to talk about the one thing that stands in our way. The brats that always win. The children who always think they defeated us." Everyone was silent as they listen to him. Jeanine and Ter Borcht are looking anywhere but his eyes, President Snow was looking at his hands and Valentine was still looking directly at Voldemort, fearlessly.

"We all have those kids we want to destroy, to pulverize and to keep away from our plans." Voldemort began walking around the room, everyone was still listening intently. "I have seen your struggles, friends." He turned to look at President Snow. "Katniss' stubbornness and pride" Snow's hand clenched into a tight fist. Voldemort turned to Jeanine. "Tris' confidence" Jeanine frowned deeply. Her eyes flaring dangerously behind her spectacles. Voldemort passed behind ter Borcht, "Max and the flock's arrogance." He shook his head and gritted his teeth. Voldemort looked up into Valentine's challenging eyes, "Clary's bravery." For the first time, Valentine looked away his face turning to pure anger.

"And of course, Percy's determination". Voldemort slowly walked back to his seat. "Yes, they all have these traits. Determination, Bravery, Confidence, Arrogance..." he counted them all. "Traits that could bring us down. They had their shot and now it's our turn!" there was no questioning Voldemort's anger. His face was calm yet his eyes say different. Voldemort could still remember how Harry Potter could escape him every time he got close to him.

He won't let him get away this time. This time Harry Potter will die. This time... HE will win. "Alone we'll be defeated but together... we could team up and defeat those twats! Together they don't stand a chance!"

Jeanine was smiling widely, Snow, ter Borcht and Valentine were laughing menacingly. Voldemort held up a hand and they all silenced immediately. Then Snow spoke up: "When do we kill?"

Voldemort smiled at Snow, delighted of his eagerness. "Calm down, Coriolanus. We cannot rush things." Snow nodded. "I want the children to suffer before they die. Killing them is easy. They deserve to be tortured first."

Everyone around the table grinned evilly, their eyes filled with the desire to taste death in their hands. Each and everyone in the room were thirsting for blood lost from every child they detest. But everyone was expecting an answer from him. He looked at every expectant face around him.


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