Summer is better than school, Except When you Meet Friends

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Yes finally it is summer I can't wait to do summer activities like go to the my lakehouse for a week. Also college Academy, yay! (Ok guys so once sixth grade starts I hope to write a really descriptive about it including people I meet) Any ways How I remember this summer is I chilled with my friends went to camp and the lake. It was fun, my first summer in Canton. Anyways around the start of the year I was still nervous about friends. Once school started I was feeling older, "My first year of middle school." I thought, My stomach had so many butterflies. We went to homeroom and I probably lost my way once or twice, When we got there I made quick friends with a nice boy named Brandon Saunders. He found like, five pencils in the first day and gave me one that was good. He had a locker right next to mine and his was preset. Every time he forgot his code I had to do it for him. Once we got our schedules I figured out I had two classes with Saunders and one with Brandon Vihn. I was excited, it was day one that ment gym first. I hoped this wasn't hardcore push-up training gym class and was still we'll play games gym. I met the other kids in class there was this one boy named Stephen who was funny and nice, So I talked to him and became friends too. Also Brandon Vihn was here so it was awesome! Later in gym some girl was talking to Stephen but calling him dopey and seemed pretty funny. I could tell we had Similar interests besides anime so I talked to them. Her name was Azailyah, and she took to quickly calling me Baka which means idiot in Japanese. We also became friends later but not right away. Making friends isn't so bad. After that I had art, I was partners with this kid named Elias and all he did was make stupid jokes, but he wasn't that bad. He was annoying but would also become my friend later on. After I had Anc. Civ. My minor friend from last year named Tristan in another class was now here. Good another friend. He was talking to some girl who was nice enough but not very funny so I became friends with her through Tristan. At last it was time to go.Near my locker there was this girl who was showing her friend something . I was done so I decided not to talk to her. Later I started to like her too but we never were friends and I THINK! (I said I think right) I might have had a crush on her for sixth grade. I congratulated myself on all the friends I made and how well I did compared to fifth grade the I went home and did my daily routine and was pretty happy then.

The Life of a Baka जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें