There's a first time for everything I guess

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(Now a days I don't game much but I did a lot in sixth grade) So now that I had made friends I had to worry about getting used to sixth grade. Lockers, Class switches,New subjects, and no recess. You know standard Middle school stuff, I liked it here and was making a bunch of friends. After a month or so of school I had my friend group all together and sat with them at lunch. The year went in pretty normally, I chilled got all A's and didn't really connect to social media like snap chat or Instagram. I didn't go to school dances because I thought they were a waste of time. I also thought middle school dating maybe besides eighth grade was desperate and dumb. I just lived a wicked boring life and continued on still not really going crazy or doing anything but normal. People still found me funny I think, and even some popular kids knew who I was. I still wasn't very smart with social matters though and was a preteen boy, so yeah. I went on to  enjoy my first year of middle school and was happy with the new things I did. I keep on doing the same thing the whole year and grew more and more social. Around the end of the year in spring a game came out called Splatoon, I was psyched for the game and so was Brandon Vihn. Once it came out I got it so did Brandon and Stephen. Remember that Elias kid, he got it too and when I figured out I talked to him and asked if he wanted to play it. We became easily and we actually had a lot in common. My year was coming too a close, but now I had a real tight friend group. We played all the time and went over each other's houses. I finally fit in and was enjoying middle school.

(A.N. Thanks too ho ever is reading this because I already have 28 views even though I'm pretty sure this story isn't great or that interesting)

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