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Ravi's POV

But he thinks how is mom has given the bracelet and where he left it.He loves her mom a lot because of his job he stays in other city.
Then he calls her mom(Nanditha) and tells every detail not even missing a single part.She becomes proud of him and asks whether the person and he both are alright or caused any harm.
He thinks in mind again about her eyes and feels something attraction towards it.
Then her mom asks about his work,life,everything and he tells all the answers with so much love.
Next day morning
He dreams about her eyes and feels attraction towards it and next alarm rings telling the time 7 A.M. He does his daily routine and exercise and gets ready for office.
He completes his work by 6 and reaches his flat where he stays has their parents stay in other place.He then receives a phone call...........

Anjali's POV:
Few hours earlier
She woke up by 6 does pooja and cooks breakfast for her whole family and goes to her office.
As she reaches there her supervisor does felicitation for her and gives a speech telling all the team like because of she still the project is staying with us.
Then suddenly she heard a faint voice like shouting to "Get up from the bed" and feels somebody is shaking her.
Then her dream brokers and she looks at her mom yelling her to "Get up from the bed and ready fast as the time is 9:30 and your office starts at noon 10" then she runs to washroom and gets ready and reaches office as usual late half an hour and she remember that she missed the conference call.
Same like her dream her supervisor comes near to her and same like in dream gathers all her team members and reaches meeting hall ,hold a Mike and tells everyone how punctual she is like daily she misses the call not even a single day .
As we heard their might be sometimes where people gives us reason but she everyday doesn't attend call and have an explanation for it.She feels embarrassed for it and then she receives a call.......

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