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Anjali's POV:
   She receives a call from her dad who is strict in nature but loves her very much just doesn't know to express.But it is spoken by her mom(Radhika) where she tells her that she is seeing matches for a good son-in-law as the word she listen she coughs.....
Now this is only left in life
Her mom asks what happened at the same moment her supervisor comes out so she quickly says nothing and do ur wish and cuts the call.
Anjali's mom :
  Feels happy and decides the marriage with handsome boy which suits perfectly for her daughter.
Both parents calls the person who brought this rishta and asks him to arrange it as they liked the boy and his profession and enquiry about his family ,receives positive results and decides with her husband to take next step for marriage process.
Ravi's parents POV:
They get Anjali photo and seeing her anybody can say she is innocent and beautiful girl. They think the pair looks good and before deciding anything wanted to ask Ravi. They call him .....
Ravi's POV:
    He lifts the call and his mother tells him as he got one proposal for marriage do u want us to proceed we have sent u the girl photo in WhatsApp please have a look and let us know ur decision
Being an obedient son he tells his parents to finalize the girl whomever they like as he has believe in them.

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