Blue Dream Part 7

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  "So, how was your date?" Flake asked, as soon as Paul walked back into Comic World, again. "You were gone a bloody long time, just so you know."

"I was only five minutes late," Paul objected, knowing full well that he was, in actuality, almost fifteen minutes late.

"Yeah, and the rest," Flake huffed. "So, spill, Paul. Did you kiss him?"

"What is it with you and kissing, all of a sudden, Flake? I thought you weren't into all that shit?" Paul asked, amused despite himself.

"No, I might not be, but you definitely are," Flake said. "Or at least, I thought I remembered you were. Once upon a time."

"Shut the fuck up," Paul said, only half joking. "I know it's been a while, but you don't have to rub it in."

"Whatever, Paulchen; kiss, or no kiss?" Flake asked, relentlessly, even as the beginnings of a smile began to tug at the corners of his mouth.

"No kiss," Paul finally admitted, with a disgruntled sigh. "But then again, I only met the guy last night, don't forget. Give us a chance, would you? Bit too soon for kisses and all the rest, isn't it?"

"Oh, so it's like that, is it?" Flake asked, with a disgruntled sigh.

"Like what? No sense in rushing things," Paul pointed out. "I want this to be nice, not rushed."

"Fine, fair enough," Flake conceded, with a defeated nod and a gusty sigh. "So are you gonna see him again?"

"Quite likely. He's sleeping on the sofa bed," Paul reminded him, with a laugh.

Flake merely glared at him, lips pinched tightly against his own disgust. Paul laughed, again, and lifted his hands, palms outwards, at the other man as he did so.

"I knew what you meant, before you start. And if Richard asks, yes, I do want to see him again," he said, a soft smile spreading across his face with the admission.

"Good," Flake replied, with a satisfied smile. "I think you did the right thing in running the guy over, you know, Paul. I know it sounds harsh, but I reckon that you've now got yourself a partner for life. Just you wait and see."

Paul almost swallowed on his own spit in surprise at Flake's seemingly off-the-cuff remark; Flake didn't appear to realise that he'd said anything wrong, if Paul could read the other man's too-calm expression correctly.

"Well, let's not rush things, huh?" Paul asked. "I don't really know that much about the guy."

"But?" Flake asked. "I sense there's a but."

"But from what I know already, I can confirm that we're more than a little compatible," Paul sighed, as a slow, yet still blissfully happy, smile started to spread its way across his face.

"I think you might be a little in love there, Paulchen," Flake pointed out, as he peered over the rims of his glasses shrewdly.

"Do you, now? And so what if I am?" Paul asked, defiantly. "Love at first sight does happen to some of us, you know."

"Like you have so much experience," Flake snorted.

"Okay, I'll give you that one, but it's all the better for Richard, I suppose," Paul pointed out. "At least I can be relied upon to not mess around or anything. "

"I suppose," Flake said. "Anyway, you've gotta get back to putting those orders out. I have to go and have my own lunch. Unlike some love-struck knob-heads around here, I haven't actually eaten yet."

"Why couldn't you have put the orders out?" Paul asked, in surprise, as he frowned at the other man.

"I was busy serving, wasn't I? I was bloody mobbed in your absence," Flake said, as he came out from behind the counter.

Blue Dream (Kreuzberg Dragonshifters Book 1) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now