Blue Dream Part 15

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Paul looked over the body of the still transformed American man that lay stretched out before him in a large and ungainly heap; the dead dragon-shifter's neck lay at an unnatural angle, luminescent eyes staring sightlessly at the far wall. Richard stood beside him, still naked, yet unashamed in Paul's presence; Richard's face, when Paul glanced his way, was grim, eyes narrowed with hatred at the dead dragon.

"It's over," Paul said, quietly.

"Not quite," Richard said, voice as grim as his eyes. "We have to get rid of the body."

"Fuck," Paul said, in sudden alarm. "I didn't think of that. How the hell are we gonna get rid of a bloody great lump of a dragon, Reesh?"

"I think this is where I come in useful," Richard said, with a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Yes? How so?" Paul asked, in surprise.

"I'm a fucking dragon, Paulchen. I can burn the fucker," Richard said, and the slight smile was replaced by a huge grin.

"Why do I get the feeling that you like burning things?" Paul asked, with a sudden laugh. "And don't answer that. It was a rhetorical question."

Richard laughed and leant in to press a swift kiss against Paul's cheek, a kiss that Paul was too slow to respond to.

"You'd best leave the warehouse for a while, my love; you may get burnt," Richard warned him, gently.

"Can't I still watch?" Paul asked, suddenly a little disappointed.

"You may, at a safe distance," Richard conceded, with a graceful nod in Paul's direction.

"Super," Paul replied, before he turned to pad away from his lover.

He could hear the sounds of Richard turning back into a dragon once more, odd crackings of bone and ripping of sinew and muscle denoting each and every body-altering change; he could even hear the sounds of Richard's slightly pain-tinged screams turning into the rumblings of an adult dragon. Paul felt an odd thrill at that, that he'd actually seen something that he'd only ever read about and dreamed about; that he was actually dating a dragon was something else, something so far beyond Paul's wildest dreams that he had no words for it. He wondered then if he wasn't the world's biggest nerd for thinking that.

He turned once he'd reached the far wall and turned, just in time to see a huge, jetting flame arching from Richard's mouth, his draconic body rearing with the force of his own flamings. Paul stood, amazed and thrilled, at the fiery pyrotechnic display his own boyfriend was putting on, barely registering the fact that the smell of burnt flesh and scales was almost overpowering in its intesity. He continued to watch, as the body of the dead shifter burned and disintegrated away into ashes, and a darkened, greasy streak upon the ground. Once Richard had stopped flaming, and had returned to his human form again, Paul deemed it safe to approach him.

Richard, when Paul reached him, seemed ashamed, and almost unable to meet Paul's gaze, then; Paul reached out and grasped his lover's hand, fingers curling easily about Richard's and giving them a gentle squeeze.

"Very handy way to dispose of bodies. You are fucking awesome, I hope you know that," Paul said, genuine awe in his tone when he spoke.

Richard huffed out a surprised laugh and he raised his gaze, pretty, luminescent eyes shining in the dim light at Paul.

"Seriously?" he asked, and he sounded as though he wanted to believe it.

"You're a fucking flame-throwing dragon, Reesh. I don't know what could be more awesome than that," Paul said, with a joyful laugh. "Who would have thought it?"

Blue Dream (Kreuzberg Dragonshifters Book 1) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now