Prologue-The Cursed Sky Dancer

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 "I sort of feel bad for Vivica." the young Sky Dancer said to her older brother as they ate their lunch. "I mean, she's cursed to that one horrible cumulonimbus cloud all by herself." She couldn't see the girl in the cloud, but knew Vivica was in there.

 "Don't feel bad for her." her brother answered. He took another bite from his sandwich. "Every Cloudite knows her whole family has had this curse. It's normal."

"But doesn't she get lonely?" 

"How am I supposed to know, Caroline?" he snapped at the girl. Already too late, she realized she had bothered him too much, and her brother had gotten irritated. He shoved her off the edge of their small cirrus cloud. She shrieked slightly as she plummeted, head first, towards the large green plain the Sky Dancer's clouds where hovering over. Caroline closed her eyes and prayed that there would be a cloud below to catch her. If there wasn't, she would either have to try and summon a cloud-which she hadn't learned to do yet because of how young she happened to be, or die by hitting the ground.

Just as Caroline started to pray again, she hit the ground and her thoughts were interrupted by her blood curling scream for help. But none of the other Cloudites came to save the dead girl.

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