Chapter 2- The Performance

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 "Are you excited for the show tonight?" Simon asked Jayce a couple days later. Jayce shrugged and turned down the speed on his tredmill. After running for two hours, exhaustion was starting to set in. His roommate sat next to him, lifting weights the size of dodgeballs. Although they're just Sky Dancers, they still needed their strength for the shows. Jayce's legs couldn't take any more, so he turned off the tredmill and collapsed next to Simon. He looked around at the other people in the Sky Gym.

Of course, he thought, dissapointed. She's not here. The boy had wanted to talk to the girl for days. In truth, he was happy he would be able to see the girl's dancing that night. He had never seen it before, since him, Simon, and their partners would always leave early to relax. The shows had always exhausted them.

Simon laughed at his tired friend. 

"Don't be doing that in the middle of the show." he joked. "We can't afford to have you splat of the ground."

Jayce shrugged.

"It's all the risky life of being a Sky Dancer. I'm going to go back home and rest." They waved goodbye and Jayce made his way home. All the Cloudites that wereout on the clouds could hear the blasting music coming from Vivica's cumulonimbus home. It was louder than ever, that day. The boy thought about visiting her, but thought better of it. Knowing it was the show day, she must've been practicing like crazy. He went home and lied down, promising to only sleep for a couple of hours.

"What are you doing!" Simon shook Jayce awake. "The Jumpers are about to warm up the crowd! You need to be ready in twenty minutes. Get up!" 

The sleeping boy shot up and got changed into his roomy white pants and light blue wife beater. He ran a hand through his dirty blond hair. 

"About time you showed up!" his partner, Robyn, scolded him as he hurried to her. They got in their starting poses. "The crowd is anxious."

"I don't have to catch you, you know?" Jayce shot back as they started the show. After about an hour of their twirling, jumping, posing, lifting, and flipping, they landed in their ending pose, with Robyn's stomach perched on Jayce's hands in the air. The large crowd below cheered at the excellent performance. Before the audience got a chance to leave, Vivica's loud music began to play throughout the air.

"Come on." Robyn said getting down from the boy, who was intrigued by the music. She tried to pull him along, but he stayed put. She sighed and walked off without him.

Vivica's cloud began to grow, purple and blue lightning striking close to the crowd. Screams came from below.

"Oh no!"

"It's going to rain!"

 But it never did rain. The lightning continued to slash across the sky as a small, shiney object flung out of the clouds. Jayce's face contorted into confusion. Then he realized what it was. It was the braclet he had given the girl in the cloud. Shortly after he saw the braclet break through the stormy cloud's ring, a larger dark figure jumped out after it. He knew what it was immediately.

"Vivica!" he screamed after the girl, who had managed to escape her horrible home and was now diving head first towards the crowd. He turned to the nearest Sky Dancer who was watching the scene in horror. "Is that supposed to happen!" 

They shook their head rapidly and shouted, "She's a goner!"

Without another word, Jayce dived off his cloud.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2012 ⏰

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