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Hello my amazing people i have written a story about hatter falling in love and fucking you since there are barely any good ones out there i decided to make one. Hope y'all enjoy and comment things its nice to hear what y'all think of my stories, because i think i suck at writing them, thx love y'all bye bye.


Hatter's P.O.V.

" I promise I will return to wonderland" Alice said as she left me alone. Over the course of the past couple of months I have been feeling horribly lonely and i can never seem to figure out why. I wasn't lonely even when Alice left the first time, i guess i have grown over the a couple of years. Maybe i can ask the white queen what these feelings are. On the way to the white queens castle i got a vision of a beautiful girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes that sparkled like sugar cubes exploding in fresh tea. She seems to be laughing , and i felt a sudden urge of.........what was the feeling called again, laughter, luminous, no i think it was lust. Cheshire explained it to me when we were younger and i was growing taller and feeling different. He has been a close friend of mine forever so he can tell me anything and i can tell him anything, so i wasn't surprised when he told me about mating season for him i cant believe i was as red as my hat scarf. "Hello Tarrent, have u been thinking about mating season again? You seem to be as red as your scarf again." Cheshire appeared around my neck he tends to do that when i feel scarlet."Chess I'm just feeling fine, but i do request to see the white queen, so could you let me proceed."" Awe come on Tarrent, you can tell me anything" Chess said battering his green eyes and smiling his large grin and i couldn't resist. I sat down on a log in the forest and proceeded to tell my dearest friend about how i have missed Alice dearly and how i crave to be near a woman of pure beauty." Well she must have a sense of humor, and loves tea." Chess said to make my heart flutter, and i imagine that girl with (e/c) again. She apparently seems to be laughing and holding a tea cup, and she seems to have a tear down from her collar bone to her................oh dear, my face seems to redden and my pants seem to be 2 sizes to small."Hatter, you seem to be in a bit of predicament" Chess notices my problem and chuckles he makes me and himself disappear and we reappeared at the white queens front of her........during a formal party. " Hello Tarrent what seems to be the pro-" She stopped mid sentence and i proceeded to sit on the ground to hid my"pride" stretching my pants." Excuse me everyone i must help my friend with his problem", she started to grab my hand and guide me through the white castle as you can hear her loyal subjects clapping for her. She led me into her potion room, when we go there she gave me an icky medicine, and my "problem" went away." Now then what seems to be the problem Hatter, i already fixed the  other one, but you seem troubled." I then explained to her about the girl and how i was lonely without a person in my life."So i came to you to help me out." i finished off." Well that girl, that you described, i could probably make her true but it will take me a day or two", i was surprised by how she would do this for me, i thank her and she proceeded to rush me out of the potion room. I proceeded home and went to sleep.

Mirvana's  P.O.V. ( The white queen ) 

After Tarrent left my castle i proceeded to make the base of this woman that hatter has requested. After i mixed some basic ingredients to make the base i had to use a simple mold i had found lying around and began to fill the mold with a (s/c) base and it started to form after a couple minutes. i then got some type of (e/c) paint and mixed it with a live potion and started to paint the eyes. i made the facial details and then started to form her "lady parts", she then started to look like the girl Tarrent described but i thought as a little bit of a joke i made her breasts triple Ds. I smiled at the little "Frankenstein" i made and took her out and planted a simple kiss on her untouched forehead, and she had woken up. Her (e/c) eyes looked up and her first reflex was to cover herself up. i then proceeded to feed her and give her the necessary knowledge of why she was made and other stuff like that. She had a perfect voice and she was everything Tarrent had wanted, i proceeded to get her dressed in a white night gown, and since of her breast size the buttons have shot off her chest. I only chuckled as she was red with embarrassment i then requested a larger night gown and tucked her in and she fell asleep instantly. I ordered my designers and dress makers to make the woman undergarments for months on end and multiple clothes to be dressed in. I decided i should give the beautiful young girl a name so i decided on (y/n).

Your P.O.V

I woke up in a all white room with a beautiful woman in front of me i then realized i was naked and tried to cover myself up but giant mounds on my chest were making it hard for my arms. The woman i learned was the white queen ad she was the kindest and first person i have ever met, she explained to me i was created to love a man named Hatter Tarrent Hightop, essentially a mad man. She described him to me and he seemed nice enough sort to speak, she told me about his life and his request for a woman and she proceeded to make me to make Tarrent happy. She then ordered a night gown for me but it was too small and my breasts,as i learned over the conversation we're called, busted through the gown i got red and i started to tear up and she simply giggled and told me it was ok. She got me another night gown that dragged behind me but it was big enough to cover me. She lead me to a bedroom with a giant white bed as soon as i layed down i instantly felt tired. It smelled like fresh cherry blossoms and it felt like i was flying she then proceeded to kiss my head goodnight and i fell asleep right then and there,dreaming about the Mad Hatter i would see hopefully tomorrow. '

The Next Day( Still your P.O.V)

I proceeded to wake up with the sun shining in my face. I opened my eyes and looked around the only room i have ever known, and meet with a pair of brown eyes." Hello (y/n), Tarrent is downstairs and he is waiting to see you, are you ready", the white queen said smiling. I only nodded my head and proceeded to move the covers off of my body. The White Queen called a bunch of servants, all i saw was a beautiful white dress with a corset and a bunch of other things, i also smelled hot scented water from the washroom. I was stripped of my nightgown and lead into the tub. It was scented of roses, and the servants start to wash me and my hair. It was so delicate i leaned my head back and let out a gentle sigh, the servants giggled and then proceeded to get me out  and dry me off. I was put into a under slip and they combed my hair and put it into a small braid with white flowers into it. And they proceeded to help me into my dress and do my make up to bring out some more of my beauty. They didnt put alot on me just some mascara and lipstick. I saw my self in the giant mirror and i thought i looked beautiful. The white queen whispered in my ear" Are u ready darling?" and i replied with a quiet "yes". All of the servants lead me to a huge dinning room with the white queen by my side. As i walked into the dining room i saw a man with a giant top hat and orange hair and the most amazing green/yellow eyes." Hello miss, My name is Tarrent Hightop, but you may call me the mad hatter.

Love in Madness(Mad Hatter x Reader)lemonWhere stories live. Discover now