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Pumpkin pie, pumpkin soup, pumpkin bread,
but none of them compare to my Pumpkin.
My Pumpkin barks like no one else,
jumps like no one else,
loves like no one else.
She skips, skitters, skates across the dry grass,
past the buzzing bee and the dancing snapdragons.

Cries ring out in the house,
arguing, debating, pleading.
Pets weren't meant to be here,
not while we are renting, not while this isn't our home.
But even so, Pumpkin can stay,

Torn, taken, gone.
I should have known better than fall in love with
a pumpkin-colored,
hopeful, playful, beautiful eyed
German Shepard of a puppy.

But it's too late.
If she were taken far away, she may have become a blissful memory.
But alas, next door was where she was placed, and
every day when I come home from school,
the first thing I hear is a defeated, whimpering cry
coming from over the wall.
Looking timidly across, I see
a broken, subdued dog, who's only a shadow of her former self.
My heart breaks into a million pieces,
but her eyes, filled with sorrow, a longing to play,
are what really makes me want to look away.

She sees me; a spark of hope lights her eyes.
Then, frustration, so much frustration,
that she cannot escape the wretched cage,
that she cannot cross that unbreakable wall,
that she cannot come back home.

I experience my own version of Tuck Everlasting,
but in a warped and twisted way.
My tale with Pumpkin only ends
in sorrow for both,
tears for both...

hope for both.

Pumpkin soup, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie,
My time with lovely Pumpkin was definitely not a lie.

Hello everyone! This poem was actually inspired by my dog, and I'm sure y'all can all guess what her name is! Sadly, the landlord of the home my family and I are currently renting doesn't allow any pets, so...

We had to give her away. I know, I know! It was really sad for me, and honestly, even though we only had her for a month, I totally fell in love with Pumpkin. However, her claws were really sharp, so I got scratched quite a bit.

I remember this one time when she got a hold of some plastic and toilet paper. What a disaster! Paper was everywhere and when I went to the bathroom, well... let's just say that the toilet paper roll was utterly destroyed.

Anyways, I've been on Wattpad for some time now, but I never really wrote anything because I was too busy reading! This is my first book (if you can call it that), so I'm still very inexperienced and naive to this awesome writing world.

Love y'all more than spinach,

happinessisjam :D

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