Treasure Hunting

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Last week, I went treasure hunting
for old pictures, lost toys, forgotten things of the past and all that whatnot.

It was a blast.

Here's what I found:
Ten pieces of deformed gum as old as time itself,
a dusty pack of cards,
an old math test with a grade I'm not-so-proud of,
my brother's rubber ball, round like the sun,
a pair of roller skates, begging me to play a while,
Dad's hissing bike tires underneath some suitcases,
three naked pennies, stripped of their copper plating and smelling like mildew,
a whole box of Barbie dolls,
some photo albums,
my Minnie Mouse sunglasses,
the Cinderella necklace that was lost to the world for nine years,
random pieces of Legos that I kept stepping on,
the mystery item, most likely a piece of chocolate way past its prime,
and finally,
a gorgeous sapphire shawl that fluttered in the slight breeze.

It was silky, like velvet, cool to the touch,
and coated with dust from years of neglect.
Tiny beads were strung at the end in different blues: cyan, cobalt, teal.
Such a piece of art, but something my mom lost so carelessly.

My hands,
blackened with dirt and crusty, little bits of leaves;
My face,
covered with cobwebs and dust bunnies;
My body,
soaked through with sweat and dust and grime;

But it was worth it.

Hello everyone!

This poem was inspired by my "treasure hunt" when my mom was cleaning out the garage last week. It's interesting how much of your past life you can find when you look for it. A lot of the stuff I found made me think "Oh, I remember that test!" or "I remember these Barbies!" Life really flies by, so try to collect pieces of your childhood to look back on later!

Love y'all more than spinach,

happinessisjam :D

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