To Music

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Chords ring out from my piano, 
dancing, swirling, flickering at the edge of my fingertips.
Arpeggios run up the keyboard and then back down,
delicate as a glass butterfly.
Intervals threaded throughout the piece,
each one more intertwined than the next.
Staccato and legato notes are blended perfectly,
a jumbled tornado of sweet, delicious notes.
Ritenuto, rallentando, ritardando, rubato,
my mind somehow knows exactly
what each one means.
Almost like a second language,
speaking music is as easy as breathing,
something I do not need to think to do, and definitely,
something I cannot imagine without.
There is meaning,
incomprehensible, unspeakable meaning behind every chord,
every arpeggio,
every interval,
every note.

I am the puppeteer, and the keys are my pawns.
I control my toys, making them dance as I please.
They listen, like the obedient puppets they are,
and I move their strings,
shifting their place,
making them play the melody that works with my inward tune.

When I hear the bird's warbling cries or
the honking, beeping noises of downtown,
I think of the rhythm, the unannounced beat
to the song,
to one huge melody of the world,
to music.

Hello everyone! This poem was inspired by my love for music, especially my piano! I just want to give a shout out to my faithful Kawai piano that has stood by me for...hmm, ten years, I think. Yep, that's how long I've been playing piano, but I'm not really that good. I enjoy playing really sad songs by Yiruma, (actually, all his songs are sad) such as "Kiss the Rain" and "River Flows in You." Those two are some of his most famous songs, and they sound really melancholy and plain beautiful, so you should check it out!

I like playing piano almost as much as I love spinach.

Love y'all more than spinach,

happinessisjam :D

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