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{not edited}

dear good looking guy (i don't know your name sadly),

firstly i'd love to introduce myself but i choose to remain hidden because you might just find me easily or think i'm some weird creepy stalker who lurks for young looking men like you.

totally not the case here.

the first time i saw you, i wanted to go up and say hi but me being me, i'm absolutely shy and awkward and no one wants to make a fool of themselves. so, i held myself back and just observed from afar and realised that you're one of a kind. a cute one.

hopefully you'll become my one of a kind. cough. cough.

i don't want to get into details now about how i observe you and constantly slap myself in the face every time for not coming up to you and get to know you in person.

so here i am trying. writing small notes to you in hopes that you get them. 

don't ask how i'll get them to you. i have my ways.

just like how i have my ways to get your adorable, cute self. 

don't worry, your my target :)

-bow and arrow


hiiiii guys so i'm starting this because i want you guys to get a sense of harry's character first then it'll fully start.

this may be boring so far but i have plans

ya'll ready??

- eddie

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