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dear cute stranger,

I saw you yesterday again and let me tell you, you honestly look adorable while frustrated. It made me want to scoop you up and tell you that it'll be okay because you couldn't find your jeans size in the department.

I mean, shit, you could wear none and I would honestly enjoy that view...not gonna lie here.

It was nice to see your emotions get to that point because most people hide them or go completely crazy with outrage and start blaming the employees for their crisis.

Not my store, not my problem but.... I work here sadly. It was either between this or having a sugar daddy.

I could of chose sugar daddy but then I wouldn't be here writing sneaky small notes to a cute stranger now would I?

But anyways, I enjoyed watching you frustrated and the view of your ass which by the way looks wonderful and even more wonderful when probably naked. 

WHICH I HOPE TO SEE IN THE FUTURE. I don't know why I wrote that in all caps but what can I say; that view is a must.

I must got now, in hopes that you get this before you leave and when I disappear into my shy shell.

- bow and arrow

p.s I have brown hair

p.p.s you should probably look in the men's jeans department :)


this is shitty guys idk but my mood is just meh

have you guys heard about the killings and #blacklivesmatter? this increases my anxiety so much but idk I think it's sad tbh and I fear for my life and my family's sometimes more than I should 😟

opinions anyone?  I'd love to see them 


target styles  stylinsonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt