target name

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dear target,

your. ass. is. out. of. this. world.

I'm usually not an ass man but by the looks of it, I may just convert because of you. 

You looked cute today, walking around in just joggers and a tanktop which so happened to match together so well. I'm impressed because I can't match for shit but maybe you can teach me how..cough cough.

I noticed you read my letter yesterday (I'm not revealing how I know) and you laughed which is great because I know I make everyone laugh. I'm hilarious, I know. It's sad I don't get paid.

I'm not sure if you find this whole receiving small notes thing creepy but...I don't know, I feel like it's the best way of talking and sharing my feelings to someone, especially if they made me feel warm and blushy inside. It's cheesy I know and you may not seem like a cheesy guy but you don't have to deal with it. You can easily throw these letters away without my knowing and I could possibly be wasting my time.

I hope not. I wasted way too many pens and ink just to be writing these for you, I dare you to throw away these damn notes.

I'm kidding, please don't. I'm a fragile little frog.

Today's topic is me hoping to somehow get your name because I'm starting to feel like calling you target is making me think you're the prey and I'm the hunter. I don't mess with animal cruelty plus..if you were an animal you'd be way too damn cute to hunt down. I'd have to save you and call you mine.

That's what I'm hoping to do in reality but that's not the point. I mean it is but...anyways.

I hope to have your name soon, it's probably Jack or William. Royal names at its finest.

My manager is telling me to start my next shift now so I have to go. SADLY.

Have you ever been fired before? I can't relate. I've never experienced that feeling before. Honestly, truly. I should actually go before I really do relate.

Have a good day and keep doing your squats...if you're doing any..

-bow and arrow 


ya'll i have been taking forever with updates, you probably want me dead.

schools starting the 7th for me and they already messed up my classes (of course) but i'm going to change it definitely.

what's your favourite thing or section at target? homegirl may need some titles and all that.

also, what grade are ya'll gonna be in for the school year? i'm gonna be a junior lolol and i dont want to go but i want to bc ive been bored all summer but you didn't hear that from me

also, what grade are ya'll gonna be in for the school year? i'm gonna be a junior lolol and i dont want to go but i want to bc ive been bored all summer but you didn't hear that from me

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i love you guys


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