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Henri couldn't brag more of Narrowbunk. Sure, it does feel cozy when you set foot inside the van-turned-home, but it was a little bit stuffed inside with all his things and his mother's and his sister too. You can call this Bulkwagon Type-2 a home, nothing really matters with a scrap of van as long as his family were happily living inside it.

Located at the eastern outermost lot of a barren field, the Narrowbunk boasted a wide view of the city's broken landscape. Henri always thought of the shattered windows of a church's pale colored-glass when he sets a gaze upon the silhouette of Parajunk. Garbage dominated the buildings and neatly wrapped with an overgrowth of some kind of plant. As he entered the doors to his house, the ivory-white paint of the walls coated the inside.

"Mom! Riri's home!" Heronica bolted into a jump and welcomed his brother with a tight embrace unto his left leg. This warm bright light of a baby sister is why Henri never fails to do his job well. She always made his days joyful like a newly-baked cookie dunked into hot milk. Her sister was a bit small for an age of 4 but he loved her wholeheartedly. While still holding her doll, she bent her tiny feet into a tip toe to kiss her brother's cheeks, Henri surrendered and bent low to let her kiss him.

"How was the city today Riri?" asked Heronica.

"Well the rats are still as large as cats, their teeth are still also large enough to take bit off you Nica." She giggled as Henri tickled her tummy.

He removed his shoes and carefully stacked them over a rack, then went to a small improvised aluminum table and placed his food tokens on a small empty can of beans. A jingling sound came from it and Henri continued into a divided part of the van that was turned into a small kitchen, he followed the scent of cooking herbs which led into a warm stew of synthesized beef stirred by his mother.

"Smells great Mom-" he paused as he planted a kiss onto her cheeks, "-how were you today?" His mom stirred and ladled a good amount of soup into a bowl.
"I should be the one asking you that boy, not the other way around." There are the things that Henri always dreamt of, about a good relocated home far from Parajunk, pretty dresses for Nica, and a well-paid steady job. But atop all of this was the smile her mom Georgia, made everyday when he goes home safely and with food for their hungry mouths.

"Not bad mom, I got thirteen tokens with help from Ardro. But it should be enough for a few days. Don't worry I'll continue trading for more tomorrow and look for petty jobs."

"I've told you too many times Henri not to push your body too hard. Somehow we'll live with a few tokens as long as we got it plain clean." Her mom's brows knitted.

"I'm listening to you mom, I've also told you a hundred of times that I'll take good care of myself . I'm almost a grown man now mom, three months from now I'll be fifteen remember?" Sitting on a small bench attached to the walls of the van, Henri grasped a wet cloth and precisely wiped the dust off his right cheek. The cloth immediately darkened upon every wipe as it was smothered by dirt.

"And besides, Ardro's there to always help me out when stuff goes wrong." Being friends with that oaf is a total pain in the ass yet Ardy can be handy at tough situations, Henri thought.

"Well, that Ardro friend of yours seems to be more frequently working with you than usual as I've noticed Ri."

"He also needs the tokens, and besides I know that boy wouldn't survive as long as anybody in Parajunk without his brave-willed spirit." Not to mention that he was also always hungry, Henri thought and chuckled at the image of Ardy's cheeky grin.

"As long as you stay away from trouble dear, I won't worry about you that much." In her routine of fetching plates, bowls and utensils, Georgia poured last two scoopfuls of stew into Nica and Henri's bowl. A slice of simmered synth-ham and cheap non-dairy butter adorned each Artiflour bread. The meaty aroma of the ham became a ringing alarm to Henri's growling stomach and lured him into the table.

Nica went to the tables after a call from her mom, amd insisted that she's not gonna wash her hands since she can't hardly reach the sink with her height. This witty comment made Georgia laugh and was followed by a lecture, insistedly she took a stool, placed it in front of the sink and thoroughly washed her hands,

"There's a smart good girl." Henri observed, smiling before putting a fork of ham in his mouth. Although it was synthetically-made meat, it was juicy enough to satisy his need.
The three took their positions infront of the table as they said the grace to thank the Allseer for his mercy and blessing. Nica munched along with his brother, and eventually offering to feed Henri stew from her spoon. Obviously he played along and smiled more than he should while her little sister fed him from her own bowl.

No matter what the cost, I will always cherish this little treaure I have. My family, my blood. Henri thought while he embraced the warm, loving atmosphere here inside the dining table of this Bulkwagon van.


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